MMCCMB2107 Freescale, MMCCMB2107 Datasheet - Page 91



Manufacturer Part Number

Specifications of MMCCMB2107

Lead Free Status / RoHS Status
Not Compliant
3.4.1 Master Mode
3.4.2 Single-Chip Mode
3.4.3 Emulation Mode
3.4.4 Factory Access Slave Test (FAST) Mode
MMC2107 – Rev. 2.0
In master mode, the internal central processor unit (CPU) can access
external memories and peripherals. Full master mode functionality
requires the bonding out of the optional pins. The external bus consists
of a 32-bit data bus and 23 address lines. Available bus control signals
include R/W, TC[2:0], TSIZ[1:0], TA, TEA, OE, and EB[3:0]. Up to four
chip selects can be programmed to select and control external devices
and to provide bus cycle termination. When interfacing to 16-bit ports,
the ports C and D pins and EB[3:2] can be configured as
general-purpose input/output (I/O).
In single-chip mode, all memory is internal to the chip. External bus pins
are configured as digital I/O.
Emulation mode supports external port replacement logic. All ports are
emulated and all primary pin functions are enabled. Since the full
external bus must be visible to support the external port replacement
logic, the emulation mode pin configuration resembles master mode.
Full emulation mode functionality requires bonding out the optional pins.
Emulation mode chip selects are provided to give additional information
about the bus cycle. Also, the signal SHS is provided as a strobe for
capturing addresses and data during show cycles.
FAST mode is for factory test only.
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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