pc87307 National Semiconductor Corporation, pc87307 Datasheet - Page 149



Manufacturer Part Number
Plug And Play Compatible And Pc97 Compliant Superi/o
National Semiconductor Corporation

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Bit 1 - Overrun Error (OE)
Bit 2 - Parity Error (PE)
Bit 3 - Framing Error (FE)
Bit 4 - Break Event Detected (BRK)
Bit 5 - Transmitter Ready (TXRDY)
This bit is set to 1 as soon as an overrun condition is de-
tected by the receiver.
Cleared upon read.
With FIFOs Disabled:
An overrun occurs when a new character is completely
received into the receiver front-end section and the CPU
has not yet read the previous character in the receiver
holding register. The new character is discarded, and
the receiver holding register is not affected.
With FIFOs Enabled:
An overrun occurs when a new character is completely
received into the receiver front-end section and the
RX_FIFO is full. The new character is discarded, and
the RX_FIFO is not affected.
In UART, Sharp-IR and SIR modes, this bit is set to 1 if
the received data character does not have the correct
parity, even or odd as selected by the parity control bits
of the LCR register.
If the FIFOs are enabled, this error is associated with
the particular character in the FIFO that it applies to.
This error is revealed to the CPU when its associated
character is at the bottom of the RX_FIFO.
This bit is cleared upon read.
In UART, Sharp-IR and SIR modes, this bit is set to 1
when the received data character does not have a valid
stop bit (i.e., the stop bit following the last data bit or par-
ity bit is a 0).
If the FIFOs are enabled, this Framing Error is associat-
ed with the particular character in the FIFO that it ap-
plies to. This error is revealed to the CPU when its
associated character is at the bottom of the RX_FIFO.
After a framing error is detected, the receiver will try to
If the bit following the erroneous stop bit is 0, the receiv-
er assumes it to be a valid start bit and shifts in the new
character. If that bit is a 1, the receiver enters the idle
state and awaits the next start bit.
This bit is cleared upon read.
In UART, Sharp-IR and SIR modes this bit is set to 1
when a break event is detected (i.e. when a sequence
of logic 0 bits, equal or longer than a full character trans-
mission, is received). If the FIFOs are enabled, the
break condition is associated with the particular charac-
ter in the RX_FIFO to which it applies. In this case, the
BRK bit is set when the character reaches the bottom of
the RX_FIFO.
When a break event occurs, only one zero character is
transferred to the Receiver Holding Register or to the
The next character transfer takes place after at least
one logic 1 bit is received followed by a valid start bit.
This bit is cleared upon read.
This bit is set to 1 when the Transmitter Holding Regis-
ter or the TX_FIFO is empty.
UART1 and UART2 (with IR) (Logical Devices 5 and 6)
Bit 6 - Transmitter Empty (TXEMP)
Bit 7 - Error in RX_FIFO (ER_INF)
7.11.9 Modem Status Register (MSR), Bank 0,
The function of this register depends on the selected oper-
ational mode. When a UART mode is selected, this register
provides the current-state as well as state-change informa-
tion of the status lines from the modem or data transmission
When any of the infrared modes is selected, the register
function is controlled by the setting of the IRMSSL bit in the
IRCR2 (see page 158). If IRMSSL is 0, the MSR register
works as in UART mode. If IRMSSL is 1, the MSR register
returns the value 30 hex, regardless of the state of the mo-
dem input lines.
When loopback is enabled, the MSR register works similar-
ly except that its status input signals are internally driven by
appropriate bits in the MCR register since the modem input
lines are internally disconnected. Refer to the DTR & RTS
bits at the MCR (see page 147) and to the LOOP & ETDLBK
bits at the EXCR1 (see page 154) for more information.
A description of the various bits of the MSR register, with
Loopback disabled and UART Mode selected, is provided
When bits 0, 1, 2 or 3 is set to 1, a Modem Status Event
(MS_EV) is generated if the MS_IE bit is enabled in the IER
Bits 0 to 3 are set to 0 as a result of any of the following
In the reset state, bits 4 through 7 are indeterminate as they
reflect their corresponding input signals.
Note: The modem status lines can be used as general
It is cleared when a data character is written to the TXD
This bit is set to 1 when the Transmitter Holding Regis-
ter or the TX_FIFO is empty, and the transmitter front-
end is idle.
In UART, Sharp-IR and SIR modes, this bit is set to a 1
if there is at least 1 framing error, parity error or break
indication in the RX_FIFO.
This bit is always 0 in the 16450 mode.
This bit is cleared upon read.
A hardware reset occurs.
The operational mode is changed and the IRMSSL bit
is 0.
The MSR register is read.
purpose inputs. They have no effect on the trans-
mitter or receiver operation.
Offset 06h

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