tua6045-2 Infineon Technologies Corporation, tua6045-2 Datasheet - Page 24



Manufacturer Part Number
Low Power 3-band Digital Tv / Portable Tuner Ic Taifun 3
Infineon Technologies Corporation
In I
CAS (Chip Address Select), while in 3-Wire mode the chip is addressed by a low active
enable signal at pin EN.
The content of the bus telegram (serial data format) is controlled by software
programming and assigned to the registers of the functional units according to the
several sub addresses. The most significant bit (MSB) of the data protocol is shifted in
The clock is generated by the processor (input pin SCL/Clock), while pin SDA/Data
functions as an input or an output (open drain, external pull-up resistor) depending on
the direction of the data (write or read mode). Both inputs have schmitt-trigger circuits
with hysteresis and furthermore a low-pass characteristic, which suppress a certain
noise level on the bus lines and enhance so the noise immunity of the combi-bus.
A detailed description of the chip address organization in I
sub addresses of the data registers is given in
- and the programmable I
Format" on page
To drive a bipolar NPN switching transistor of an external DC/DC converter directly, a
programmable DC/DC clock generator is integrated. The clock frequency and the duty
cycle of the DC/DC clock generator can be set over the I
Table 18 "Subaddress 04H, DC-DC Converter" on Page
While applying the supply voltage, integrated power-on reset circuits ensure a defined
state after initial power-up. The required programming data will be set to default values.
When V
write data registers to their power-on defaults (= power-down reset). While power-on
reset is active no programming is possible.
The power-on flags (POFx) are set at power-on and when V
(typ.). They will be reset at the end of a READ operation of the status register.
By programmable stand-by control bits it’s possible to reduce the current consumption
of the IC up to 99%. In the full stand-by mode only bus interface is staying active and the
current consumption is reduced below 200 A. After power-on reset only bus interface
and XTAL-oscillator with bandgap are active and the current consumption is about
2.6 mA (typ.).
Data Sheet
C-bus mode four different chip addresses can be set by appropriate DC levels at pin
fall below approximately 1.2 V (typ.) the power-on resets go active and tie all
DC/DC clock output
Power-on Reset, Stand-by Condition
C/3-Wire bus data format is shown in
chapter 5.2 "Bus Interface" on page 41
C-mode as well as the used
C/3-Wire bus as shown in
Functional Description
chapter 5.3 "Bus Data
Revision 3.1, 2006-12-19
falls below appr. 1.2 V
TUA 6045-2

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