80ksbr200 Integrated Device Technology, 80ksbr200 Datasheet - Page 21



Manufacturer Part Number
Srio Serial Buffer Flow-control Device
Integrated Device Technology
„2005 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Advanced Datasheet for informational purposes only. Product specifications subject to change without notice.NOT AN OFFER FOR SALE The information presented herein is subject to a
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and is for planning purposes only. Nothing contained in this presentation, whether verbal or written, is intended as, or shall have the effect of, a sale or an offer for sale that creates a contractual power of acceptance.
SerB destination ID, an error message shall be sent. When a case scenario is loaded with type 7, the type shall be passed
along with any data. No further interpretation should be needed.
CARs and CSRs necessary for programming and reading the status/capability of the SerB. The SerB must fully support
type 8 packets.
SerB destination ID, an error message shall be sent. When a case scenario is loaded with type 9, the type shall be passed
along with any data. No further interpretation should be needed.
shall issue doorbells as defined in section below.
are also considered "reserved" in the "Input/Output Logical Specification", but are defined in the "Message Passing Logical
3.4.5 sRIO Response Packet Types (Ftype 12 - 15)
type packets, all are reserved except packet type 13, which will be used for all response packets. If a response packet is
received with a type other than Ftype 13, the packet shall be ignored and an error flagged.
supports Ftype 13 packets.
3.4.6 sRIO Transaction IDs
time that a packet may remain alive, including all blockages, retransmissions and acknowledgements. In the case of the
SerB, retransmission capabilities beyond the link level are not supported, and therefore the transaction ID is not used.
attempt to categorize outgoing transaction IDs. Within the SerB there are multiple sources of packets, where a queue may
be generating packets, plus the device itself may generate packets. In some cases, one part of the device may not know
what other parts are doing.
are identified as a "response". Using all of these identifying markers guarantees that the SerB is not capable of generating
a transaction ID that would interfere with those generated by another entity.
Type 7 Packet Format (Reserved)
Type 7 packets are not defined in the sRIO spec and shall not be used in the SerB. If received, on the sRIO port with an
Type 8 Packet Format (Maintenance Class)
Type 8 packets are described in
Type 9 Packet Format (Reserved)
Type 9 packets are not defined in the sRIO spec and shall not be used in the SerB. If received, on the sRIO port with an
Type 10 Packet Format (Doorbells)
Doorbells are not defined in the sRIO, Part 1, "Input/Output Logical Specification", but are listed as "reserved" in
Type 11 Packet Format (Messages)
There is no use identified for type 11 packets. These packets normally carry non-doorbell messages. These packets
Within the sRIO specification, packet types, "Type 12" through "Type 15" are Response packet types. Of the response
Type 13 Packet Format (Response)
Ftype 13 packets are defined in the sRIO Part 1, "Input/Output Logical Specification" in
Every sRIO transaction must have an ID that cannot repeat itself within a designated time. That designated time is the
Regardless, the SerB must handle incoming transaction IDs and generate outgoing transaction IDs. The SerB will
Source ID, Destination ID, and Transaction ID all are used to identify a unique packet. In addition, response packets
The following items describe the use of transaction IDs within the SerB.
of that spec. The Type 10 packets are defined in the Part 2, "Message Passing Logical Specification". The SerB
Incoming transaction IDs will be returned with any response packets. This includes any response messages,
responses to NWRITE_R and other packets that require responses.
Every transaction generating portion of the SerB will have it's own unique block of transaction IDs to loop on.
The transaction ID includes the source ID of the transaction, so we will not be interfering with other devices in
the system generating transaction IDs.
There will be 32 transaction IDs allocated to every sRIO packet generating entity within the SerB. The
doorbells will be allowed more, since there may be more active at a time.
section 4.1.10
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of the sRIO Input/Output Logical Specification. These packets are the
Advanced Datasheet*
4.2.3. The SerB fully
March 19, 2007

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