AM186ES-20VC/W AMD [Advanced Micro Devices], AM186ES-20VC/W Datasheet - Page 48



Manufacturer Part Number
High Performance, 80C186-/80C188-Compatible and 80L186-/80L188-Compatible, 16-Bit Embedded Microcontrollers
AMD [Advanced Micro Devices]
The Am186ES and Am188ES microcontrollers can re-
ceive interrupt requests from a variety of sources, both
internal and external. The internal interrupt controller
arranges these requests by priority and presents them
one at a time to the CPU.
There are up to eight external interrupt sources on the
Am186ES and Am188ES microcontrollers—seven
maskable interrupt pins and one nonmaskable interrupt
(NMI) pin. In addition, there are eight internal interrupt
sources (three timers, two DMA channels, the two
asynchronous serial ports, and the Watchdog Timer
NMI) that are not connected to external pins. INT5 and
INT6 are multiplexed with DRQ0 and DRQ1. These two
interrupts are available if the associated DMA is not en-
abled or is being used with internal synchronization.
The Am186ES and Am188ES microcontrollers provide
up to six interrupt sources not present on the 80C186
and 80C188 microcontrollers. There are up to three ad-
ditional external interrupt pins—INT4, INT5, and INT6.
These pins operate much like the INT3–INT0 interrupt
pins on the 80C186 and 80C188 microcontrollers.
There are also two internal interrupts from the serial
ports and the watchdog timer can generate interrupts.
The seven maskable interrupt request pins can be
used as direct interrupt requests. INT4–INT0 can be ei-
ther edge triggered or level triggered. INT6 and INT5
are edge triggered only. In addition, INT0 and INT1 can
be configured in cascade mode for use with an external
82C59A-compatible interrupt controller. When INT0 is
configured in cascade mode, the INT2 pin is automati-
cally configured in its INTA0 function. When INT1 is
configured in cascade mode, the INT3 pin is automati-
cally configured in its INTA1 function. An external inter-
rupt controller can be used as the system master by
programming the internal interrupt controller to operate
in slave mode. INT6–INT4 are not available in slave
Interrupts are automatically disabled when an interrupt
is taken. Interrupt-service routines (ISRs) may
re-enable interrupts by setting the IF flag. This allows
interrupts of greater or equal priority to interrupt the
currently executing ISR. Interrupts from the same
source are disabled as long as the corresponding bit in
the interrupt in-service register is set. INT1 and INT0
provide a special bit to enable special fully nested
mode. When configured in special fully nested mode,
the interrupt source may generate a new interrupt
regardless of the setting of the in-service bit.
Am186/188ES and Am186/188ESLV Microcontrollers
There are three 16-bit programmable timers and a
watchdog timer on the Am186ES and Am188ES micro-
Timer 0 and timer 1 are connected to four external pins
(each one has an input and an output). These two tim-
ers can be used to count or time external events, or to
generate nonrepetitive or variable-duty-cycle wave-
forms. When pulse width demodulation is enabled,
timer 0 and timer 1 are used to measure the width of
the High and Low pulses on the PWD pin. (See the
Pulse Width Demodulation section on page 51.)
Timer 2 is not connected to any external pins. It can be
used for real-time coding and time-delay applications.
It can also be used as a prescaler to timers 0 and 1 or
to synchronize DMA transfers.
The programmable timers are controlled by eleven 16-
bit registers in the peripheral control block. A timer’s
timer-count register contains the current value of that
timer. The timer-count register can be read or written
with a value at any time, whether the timer is running or
not. The microcontroller increments the value of the
timer-count register each time a timer event occurs.
Each timer also has a maximum-count register that de-
fines the maximum value the timer can reach. When
the timer reaches the maximum value, it resets to 0
during the same clock cycle. The value in the maxi-
mum-count register is never stored in the timer-count
register. Also, timers 0 and 1 have a secondary maxi-
mum-count register. Using both the primary and sec-
ondary maximum-count registers lets the timer
alternate between two maximum values.
If the timer is programmed to use only the primary max-
imum-count register, the timer output pin switches Low
for one clock cycle after the maximum value is
reached. If the timer is programmed to use both of its
maximum-count registers, the output pin indicates
which maximum-count register is currently in control,
thereby creating a waveform. The duty cycle of the
waveform depends on the values in the maximum-
count registers.
Each timer is serviced every fourth clock cycle, so a
timer can operate at a speed of up to one-quarter of the
internal clock frequency. A timer can be clocked exter-
nally at this same frequency; however, because of in-
ternal synchronization and pipelining of the timer
circuitry, the timer output can take up to six clock cycles
to respond to the clock or gate input.

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