PC87307VUL National Semiconductor, PC87307VUL Datasheet - Page 71



Manufacturer Part Number
PC87307/PC97307 Plug and Play Compatible and PC97 Compliant SuperI/O
National Semiconductor
Bit 5 - Step
Bit 6 - Reserved
Bit 7 - IRQ Pending
Status Register B (SRB) is a read-only diagnostic register
that is valid only in PS/2 drive mode.
SRB can be read at any time while PS/2 drive mode is ac-
tive. In PC-AT drive mode, all bits are in TRI-STATE during
a microprocessor read.
Bit 0 - Motor 0 Status (MTR0)
Bit 1 - Motor 1 Status (MTR1)
FIGURE 5-6. SRB Register Bitmap (PS/2 Drive Mode)
This bit indicates whether or not the head of the Floppy
Disk Drive (FDD) should move during a seek operation.
Its value is the inverse of the STEP disk interface output
0 - STEP is not active, i.e., the head of the FDD
1 - STEP is active (low), i.e., the head of the FDD does
This bit is reserved.
This bit signals the completion of the execution phase of
certain FDC commands. Its value reflects the status of
the IRQ signal assigned to the FDC.
0 - The IRQ signal assigned to the FDC is not active.
1 - The IRQ signal assigned to the FDC is active, i.e.,
This bit indicates whether motor 0 is on or off. It reflects
the status of the MTR0 disk interface output signal.
This bit is cleared to 0 by a hardware reset and unaffect-
ed by a software reset.
0 - MTR0 is not active. Motor 0 is off.
1 - MTR0 is active. Motor 0 is on. (Default)
This bit indicates whether motor 1 is on or off. It reflects
the status of the MTR1 disk interface output signal.
This bit is cleared to 0 by a hardware reset and unaffect-
ed by a software reset.
0 - MTR0 is not active. Motor 1 is off.
1 - MTR0 is active. Motor 1 is on. (Default)
moves. (Default)
not move.
the FDD has completed execution of certain FDC
Status Register B (SRB), Offset 01h
Drive Select 0 Status
PS/2 Drive Mode
The Digital Floppy Disk Controller (FDC) (Logical Device 3)
Status Register
Offset 01h
Bit 2 - Write Circuitry Status (WGATE)
Bit 3 - Read Data Status (RDATA)
Bit 4 - Write Data Status (WDATA)
Bit 5 - Drive Select 0 Status
Bits 7,6 - Reserved
DOR is a read/write register that can be written at any time.
It controls the drive select and motor enable disk interface
output signals, enables the DMA logic and contains a soft-
ware reset bit.
The contents of the DOR is set to 00h after a hardware re-
set, and is unaffected by a software reset.
Table 5-2 shows how the bits of DOR select a drive and en-
able a motor when the FDC is enabled (bit 3 of the Function
Enable Register 1 (FER1) at offset 00h of logical device 8 is
1) and bit 7 of the SuperI/O FDC Configuration register at
index F0h is 1. Bit patterns not shown produce states that
should not be decoded to enable any drive or motor.
When the FDC is enabled and bit 7 of the of the SuperI/O
FDC Configuration register at index F0h is 1, MTR1 pre-
sents a pulse that is the inverse of WR. This pulse is active
whenever an I/O write to address 02h occurs. This pulse is
delayed for between 25 and 80 nsec after the leading edge
of WR. The leading edge of this pulse can be used to clock
data into an external latch (e.g., 74LS175).
This bit indicates whether the write circuitry of the se-
lected Floppy Disk Drive (FDD) is enabled or not. It re-
flects the status of the WGATE disk interface output
0 - WGATE is not active. The write circuitry of the se-
1 - WGATE is active. The write circuitry of the selected
If read data was sent, this bit indicates whether an odd
or even number of bits was sent.
Every inactive edge transition of the RDATA disk inter-
face output signal causes this bit to change state.
0 - Either no read data was sent or an even number of
1 - An odd number of bits of read data was sent.
If write data was sent, this bit indicates whether an odd
or even number of bits was sent.
Every inactive edge transition of the WDATA disk inter-
face output signal causes this bit to change state.
0 - Either no write data was sent or an even number of
1 - An odd number of bits of write data was sent.
This bit reflects the status of drive select bit 0 in the Dig-
ital Output Register (DOR). See Section 5.3.3.
It is cleared after a hardware reset and unaffected by a
software reset.
0 - Either drive 0 or 2 is selected. (Default)
1 - Either drive 1 or 3 is selected.
These bits are reserved and are always 1.
lected FDD is enabled.
FDD is disabled. (Default)
bits of read data was sent. (Default)
bits of write data was sent. (Default)
Digital Output Register (DOR), Offset 02h

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