CP3UB17G38 NSC [National Semiconductor], CP3UB17G38 Datasheet - Page 55



Manufacturer Part Number
CP3UB17 Reprogrammable Connectivity Processor with USB Interface
NSC [National Semiconductor]
12.0 Power Management
The Power Management Module (PMM) improves the effi-
ciency of the CP3UB17 by changing the operating mode
(and therefore the power consumption) according to the re-
quired level of device activity. The device implements four
power modes:
Table 26 summarizes the differences between power
modes: the state of the high-frequency oscillator (on or off),
the System Clock source (clock used by most modules),
and the clock source used by the Timing and Watchdog
Module (TWM). The high-frequency oscillator generates the
12-MHz Main Clock, and the low-frequency oscillator gener-
ates a 32.768 kHz clock. The Slow Clock can be driven by
the 32.768 kHz clock or a scaled version of the Main Clock.
The low-frequency oscillator continues to operate in all four
modes and power must be provided continuously to the de-
vice power supply pins. In Halt mode, however, Slow Clock
does not toggle, and as a result, the TWM timer and Watch-
dog Module do not operate. For the Power Save and Idle
modes, the high-frequency oscillator can be turned on or off
under software control, as long as the low-frequency oscil-
lator is used to drive Slow Clock.
In Active mode, the high-frequency oscillator is active and
generates the 12-MHz Main Clock. The 32.768 kHz oscilla-
tor is active and may be used to generate the Slow Clock.
The PLL can be active or inactive, as required. Most on-chip
modules are driven by the System Clock. The System Clock
can be the PLL Clock after a programmable divider or the
12-MHz Main Clock. The activity of peripheral modules is
controlled by their enable bits.
Power consumption can be reduced in this mode by selec-
tively disabling modules and by executing the WAIT instruc-
tion. When the WAIT instruction is executed, the CPU stops
executing new instructions until it receives an interrupt sig-
nal. After reset, the CP3UB17 is in Active Mode.
In Power Save mode, Slow Clock is used as the System
Clock which drives the CPU and most on-chip modules. If
Slow Clock is driven by the 32.768 kHz oscillator and no on-
chip module currently requires the 12-MHz Main Clock, soft-
ware can disable the high-frequency oscillator to further re-
duce power consumption. Auxiliary Clocks 1 and 2 can be
Power Save On or Off
Power Save
Table 26 Power Mode Operating Summary
On or Off
Main Clock Slow Clock
Slow Clock Slow Clock
Slow Clock
TWM Clock
turned off under software control before switching to a re-
duced power mode, or they may remain active as long as
Main Clock is also active. If the system does not require the
PLL output clock, the PLL can be disabled. Alternatively, the
Main Clock and the PLL can also be controlled by the Hard-
ware Clock Control function, if enabled. The clock architec-
ture is described in Section 11.0.
In Power Save mode, some modules are disabled or their
operation is restricted. Other modules, including the CPU,
continue to function normally, but operate at a reduced clock
rate. Details of each module’s activity in Power Save mode
are described in each module’s descriptions.
It is recommended to keep CPU activity at a minimum by ex-
ecuting the WAIT instruction to guarantee low power con-
sumption in the system.
In Idle mode, the System Clock is disabled and therefore the
clock is stopped to most modules of the device. The PLL
and the high-frequency oscillator may be disabled as con-
trolled by register bits. The low-frequency oscillator remains
active. The Power Management Module (PMM) and the
Timing and Watchdog Module (TWM) continue to operate
off the Slow Clock. Auxiliary Clocks 1 and 2 can be turned
off under software control before switching to a power sav-
ing mode, or they remain active as long as Main Clock is
also active. Alternatively, the 12 MHz Main Clock and the
PLL can also be controlled by the Hardware Clock Control
function, if enabled.
In Halt mode, all the device clocks, including the System
Clock, Main Clock, and Slow Clock, are disabled. The high-
frequency oscillator and PLL are turned off. The low-fre-
quency oscillator continues to operate, however its circuitry
is optimized to guarantee lowest possible power consump-
tion. This mode allows the device to reach the absolute min-
imum power consumption without losing its state (memory,
registers, etc.).

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