LM3S1911-IQC20-A0 ETC2 [List of Unclassifed Manufacturers], LM3S1911-IQC20-A0 Datasheet - Page 13



Manufacturer Part Number
ETC2 [List of Unclassifed Manufacturers]
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General-Purpose Input/Outputs (GPIOs) ................................................................................... 153
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October 09, 2007
Flash Memory Control (FMC), offset 0x008 ..................................................................... 136
Flash Controller Raw Interrupt Status (FCRIS), offset 0x00C ............................................ 138
Flash Controller Interrupt Mask (FCIM), offset 0x010 ........................................................ 139
Flash Controller Masked Interrupt Status and Clear (FCMISC), offset 0x014 ..................... 140
USec Reload (USECRL), offset 0x140 ............................................................................ 141
Flash Memory Protection Read Enable 0 (FMPRE0), offset 0x130 and 0x200 ................... 142
Flash Memory Protection Program Enable 0 (FMPPE0), offset 0x134 and 0x400 ............... 143
User Debug (USER_DBG), offset 0x1D0 ......................................................................... 144
User Register 0 (USER_REG0), offset 0x1E0 .................................................................. 145
User Register 1 (USER_REG1), offset 0x1E4 .................................................................. 146
Flash Memory Protection Read Enable 1 (FMPRE1), offset 0x204 .................................... 147
Flash Memory Protection Read Enable 2 (FMPRE2), offset 0x208 .................................... 148
Flash Memory Protection Read Enable 3 (FMPRE3), offset 0x20C ................................... 149
Flash Memory Protection Program Enable 1 (FMPPE1), offset 0x404 ............................... 150
Flash Memory Protection Program Enable 2 (FMPPE2), offset 0x408 ............................... 151
Flash Memory Protection Program Enable 3 (FMPPE3), offset 0x40C ............................... 152
GPIO Data (GPIODATA), offset 0x000 ............................................................................ 159
GPIO Direction (GPIODIR), offset 0x400 ......................................................................... 160
GPIO Interrupt Sense (GPIOIS), offset 0x404 .................................................................. 161
GPIO Interrupt Both Edges (GPIOIBE), offset 0x408 ........................................................ 162
GPIO Interrupt Event (GPIOIEV), offset 0x40C ................................................................ 163
GPIO Interrupt Mask (GPIOIM), offset 0x410 ................................................................... 164
GPIO Raw Interrupt Status (GPIORIS), offset 0x414 ........................................................ 165
GPIO Masked Interrupt Status (GPIOMIS), offset 0x418 ................................................... 166
GPIO Interrupt Clear (GPIOICR), offset 0x41C ................................................................ 167
GPIO Alternate Function Select (GPIOAFSEL), offset 0x420 ............................................ 168
GPIO 2-mA Drive Select (GPIODR2R), offset 0x500 ........................................................ 170
GPIO 4-mA Drive Select (GPIODR4R), offset 0x504 ........................................................ 171
GPIO 8-mA Drive Select (GPIODR8R), offset 0x508 ........................................................ 172
GPIO Open Drain Select (GPIOODR), offset 0x50C ......................................................... 173
GPIO Pull-Up Select (GPIOPUR), offset 0x510 ................................................................ 174
GPIO Pull-Down Select (GPIOPDR), offset 0x514 ........................................................... 175
GPIO Slew Rate Control Select (GPIOSLR), offset 0x518 ................................................ 176
GPIO Digital Enable (GPIODEN), offset 0x51C ................................................................ 177
GPIO Lock (GPIOLOCK), offset 0x520 ............................................................................ 178
GPIO Commit (GPIOCR), offset 0x524 ............................................................................ 179
GPIO Peripheral Identification 4 (GPIOPeriphID4), offset 0xFD0 ....................................... 181
GPIO Peripheral Identification 5 (GPIOPeriphID5), offset 0xFD4 ....................................... 182
GPIO Peripheral Identification 6 (GPIOPeriphID6), offset 0xFD8 ....................................... 183
GPIO Peripheral Identification 7 (GPIOPeriphID7), offset 0xFDC ...................................... 184
GPIO Peripheral Identification 0 (GPIOPeriphID0), offset 0xFE0 ....................................... 185
GPIO Peripheral Identification 1 (GPIOPeriphID1), offset 0xFE4 ....................................... 186
GPIO Peripheral Identification 2 (GPIOPeriphID2), offset 0xFE8 ....................................... 187
GPIO Peripheral Identification 3 (GPIOPeriphID3), offset 0xFEC ...................................... 188
GPIO PrimeCell Identification 0 (GPIOPCellID0), offset 0xFF0 .......................................... 189
GPIO PrimeCell Identification 1 (GPIOPCellID1), offset 0xFF4 .......................................... 190
GPIO PrimeCell Identification 2 (GPIOPCellID2), offset 0xFF8 .......................................... 191
LM3S1911 Microcontroller

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