EK-H4 SENSIRION, EK-H4 Datasheet - Page 4



Manufacturer Part Number
Datasheet EK-H4
By pressing the buttons the displayed information can be
switched from all sensors to the respective single sensors:
Right button:
Left button:
The displayed information by choosing only one sensor is
as following:
If no sensor is connected to the chosen port sensor
designation is replaced with “no sens”.
To execute a self test for testing the sensor ports and
voltage supply both buttons must be pressed for longer
than one second. For a successful self test each port
requires a sensor to be connected. If no sensor is
connected the corresponding port will show an error.
By pressing one of the buttons the display information will
switch back to the measurement.
Using the EK-H4 system as a data-logger requires the
installation of the read-out software on a computer and
connecting multiplexer box and computer via USB cable.
Prior to this a driver installation may be necessary.
4.1 EK-H4 Driver Installation
Connect the EK-H4 multiplexer box to the computer via
USB cable. EK-H4 uses a Silicon Laboratories CP210x
USB to UART bridge controller. If a driver for this controller
is not installed yet, a dialog pops up which helps you to
search for a driver on the internet. Alternatively, the driver
software may be installed from the EK-H4 memory stick.
4.2 Read-Out Software Installation
EK-H4 read-out software requires the .NET framework 2.0
or later. If it is not already installed on the computer, it may
be downloaded from
To install the EK-H4 software, simply copy the EK-H4
folder from the memory stick to the hard drive of the
Data-Logger with Software
Sensor 1:
Humidity RH:
Dew Point:
Sens 1: OK
Sens 2: OK
Sensor Supply
EKH4 Supply
Sensor 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → all → 1
Sensor 4 → 3 → 2 → 1 → all → 4
3: OK
4: OK
: OK
: OK
Version 1.1 – May 2010
Figure 4 EK-H4 configuration with connection to read-out
software on computer. No additional power supply is needed.
4.3 Starting a Measurement
Connect the EK-H4 multiplexer box with a USB cable to
the computer and then start the software by double-
clicking on EKH4Viewer.exe. The connect dialog displays
the COM ports to which EK-H4 multiplexer boxes are
connected – see Figure 5.
After clicking OK, a connection to the multiplexer box is
established and the sensors are listed in the Sensor
Select and Measurement Data sections – see Figure 6.
Figure 5 Connect dialog of read-out software. Window in the
center displays COM ports with multiplexer boxes connected.
EK-H4 read-out software is able to read sensors from
various EK-H4 multiplexers. The different systems are
selected via connect dialog at start-up or using the menu
item File/Connect. To disconnect EK-H4 systems use the
menu item File/Disconnect.
4.4 Multiple EK-H4 Devices

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