

Manufacturer Part Number

Specifications of MSO7104B-GSA

Scope Type
Analog / Digital
Scope Channels
4 Analog + 16 Digital
Meter Display Type
Sampling Rate
Input Impedance
Rise Time
Input Voltage
400V P-p
Rohs Compliant
Simply press the dedicated front panel Search
Key and enter a variety of specifi c search criteria
Other useful features
High resolution mode. Offers up to 12 bits of
vertical resolution. This is accomplished by
serially fi ltering sequential data points and
mapping the fi ltered results to the display
when operating at time base settings greater
than 10-μs/div.
Help is at your fi ngertips. An embedded help
system – available in 11 languages – gives
you quick answers if you don’t understand
a feature. Simply press and hold the corre-
sponding front-panel key, and a screen pops
up to explain its function.
Waveform math with FFT. Analysis functions
include subtract, multiply, integrate, square
root, and differentiate, as well as fast Fourier
transforms (FFT).
Peak detect. 250 ps on 500-MHz and 1-GHz
models, 500 ps on 350-MHz models. Helps
you fi nd narrow glitches.
AutoProbe interface. Automatically sets
probe attenuation factors and provides power
for selected active probes, including the
award-winning 1130A 1.5-GHz Infi niiMax
differential active probe and 1156A 1.5-GHz
single-ended active probe systems.
5-digit hardware counter. Measures fre-
quency up to the bandwidth of the scope and
provides accurate and repeatable results. Can
be increased to 8 digits with an external 10
MHz reference.
Dedicated Front Panel Key
Navigate Through the Captured Waveform
Automatically marks each frame in the selected search criteria. Use the dedicated front
panel navigation keys to automatically jump to the next or previous marked frame or play
through the entire waveform with control to stop, rewind or adjust the speed of waveform
Trig Out and Reference Clock In/Out. Pro-
vides an easy way to synchronize your scope
to other instruments. Use the Trig Out port to
connect your scope to a frequency counter
for more accurate frequency measurements
or to cross trigger other instruments.
Autoscale. Displays all analog and digital
active signals, and automatically sets the
vertical, horizontal and trigger controls.
23 automatic measurements with statistics.
Get up to 4 simultaneous measurements with
5 additional statistics beyond the current
value. Fast update rate provides statisti-
cal data for enabled measurements such
as mean, min, max, standard deviation and
count. Pressing [QuickMeas] brings up the
last four automated measurements selected.
Cursors automatically track the most recently
selected measurement.
Analog HDTV/EDTV trigger. The 7000B
Series comes standard with analog HDTV/
EDTV triggering for standards like 1080i,
1080p, 720p and 480p as well as standard
video triggering on any line within a fi eld,
all lines, all fi elds and odd or even fi elds for
NTSC, SECAM, PAL and PAL-M video signals.
Bus mode display (on MSO models). Quick
and easy read-out of hexadecimal or binary
representation of logic signals.
Easy software upgrades. System software
is stored in fl ash ROM that can be upgraded
from the scope’s built-in USB port or LAN.
You can fi nd the latest system and IntuiLink
software at: nd/7000Bsw
Press and hold a key for instant help.
Digital signals can be displayed
individually or as overlayed bus values.
Measurement statistics allow you to
have confi dence in your measurements.
Statistics can show that a measure-
ment is not only correct at one moment,
but that it has stabilized and has a low
variance over time, giving it a higher
statistical validity.