1217173-1 TE Connectivity, 1217173-1 Datasheet


Manufacturer Part Number
TE Connectivity

Specifications of 1217173-1

Product Type
Insulation Support
Insulation Support
Pin Size (mm [in])
3.18 [0.125]
Wire/cable Type
Magnet Wire
Direct Connect
Insulation Diameter (mm [in])
2.79-3.81 [.110-.150]
Contact Retention In Housing
High Retention Force
Wire/cable Size (cma)
4,000 – 8,500
Stock Thickness (mm [in])
0.51 [0.020]
Contact Configuration
Rohs/elv Compliance
RoHS compliant, ELV compliant
Lead Free Solder Processes
Not relevant for lead free process
Rohs/elv Compliance History
Always was RoHS compliant
Packaging Method
©2011 Tyco Electronics Corporation,
a TE Connectivity Ltd. Company
All Rights Reserved
TE logo is a trademark.
This specification covers the general description and perform ance requirem ents for TE Connectivity
(TE) cluster block assem blies designed to connect with herm etic headers having 2.29 and 3.18 m m
[.090 and .125 in] diam eter pins. The assem bly consists of a 2, 3 or 4 position housing accepting
term inals with various wire and insulation diam eter ranges.
W hen tests are perform ed on the subject product line, procedures specified in Figure 1 shall be used.
All inspections shall be perform ed using the applicable inspection plan and product drawing.
The following docum ents form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless
otherwise specified, the latest edition of the docum ent applies. In the event of conflict between the
requirem ents of this specification and the product drawing, the product drawing shall take precedence.
In the event of conflict between the requirem ents of this specification and the referenced docum ents,
this specification shall take precedence.
TE Docum ents
Industry Docum ents
Design and Construction
Product shall be of the design, construction and physical dim ensions specified on the applicable product
Materials used in the construction of this product shall be as specified on the applicable product
109-1: Test Specification (General Requirem ents for Test Specifications)
109 Series: Test Specifications as indicated in Figure 1
114-2019: Application Specification (Cluster Block Housings and Contacts)
ASTM D3455: Standard Test Methods for Com patibility of Construction Material with Electrical
Insulating Oil of Petroleum Origin
EIA-364: Electrical Connector/Socket Test Procedures Including Environm ental Classifications
IEC-60512: Electronic Equipm ent - Tests and Measurem ents
Voltage: 115/230 volts AC at 60 Hz
Current: The m axim um rated current that can be carried by this product is lim ited by the m axim um
operating tem perature of the housings and the tem perature rise of the contacts. Variables which
shall be considered for each application are wire size, connector size, contact m aterial and
am bient tem perature.
| Indicates change
Cluster Block Assembly
For latest revision, visit our website at www.te.com/documents.
For Regional Customer Service, visit our website at www.te.com
Other products, logos, and company names might be trademarks of their respective owners.
11Mar11 Rev G
1 of 8

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1217173-1 Summary of contents

Page 1

... Content This specification covers the general description and perform ance requirem ents for TE Connectivity (TE) cluster block assem blies designed to connect with herm etic headers having 2.29 and 3. [.090 and .125 in] diam eter pins. The assem bly consists position housing accepting term inals with various wire and insulation diam eter ranges ...

Page 2

Perform ance and Test Description Product is designed to m eet the electrical, m echanical and environm ental perform ance requirem ents specified in Figure 1. Unless otherwise specified, all tests shall be perform bient environm ...

Page 3

Test Description Heat resistance. W eight loss. Chem ical requirem ents, housing. Rev G Requirem ent ENVIRONMENTAL No signs of blistering, delam ination or degradation of physical properties illigram s m axim um for piece ...

Page 4

Product Test Sequence Test or Exam ination Exam ination of product Dielectric withstanding voltage Tem perature rise vs current Crim p tensile Contact retention in housing Contact engaging force onto header Contact separating force from header Heat resistence W ...

Page 5

QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1. Qualification Testing A. Sam ple Selection Sam ples shall be prepared in accordance with applicable Instruction Sheets and shall be selected at random from current production. All test groups shall each consist of 10 cluster ...

Page 6

Tem perature Rise vs Current Requirem ents Rev G Figure 3 108-2008 ...

Page 7

All terminals and leads shall be connected in series. NOTE 1. .0890 +.0005/-.0000 inch diameter pin is used to check .090 inch diameter cluster block NOTE pin receptacle. .1240 +.0005/-.0000 diameter pin is used to check .125 inch diameter cluster ...

Page 8

... High Force Product Unless listed above, product is a Standard Force type with lbf] contact NOTE retention in the housing. Rev G Product Type Receptacle Part Num ber 1217172 1217173 1217174 1217175 1217176 1217264 1217670 1217671 1217672 1742096 1742116 1742117 1742657 Figure 6 ...

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