AN1948_D Freescale Semiconductor / Motorola, AN1948_D Datasheet - Page 5



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Real Time Development of MC Applications using the PC Master Software Visualization Tool
Freescale Semiconductor / Motorola
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
The PC Master Software Visualization Tool
The Control Page enables control of the application. It is created in HTML, so it is easy to create all
the desired functionality. The individual components of the control page are linked to the appropriate
variables of the target processor. The control page can also be used for creation of the application
demo. Thanks to this unique approach, anybody who can create HTML web pages can create the
Control pages for PC master software as well.
Typical examples are the push buttons that start or stop the motor, or the bar graph that sets/displays
the motor speed. When the user clicks the push button on the control page screen, the appropriate
variable is updated in the target processor enabling control of the application.
The Variable window displays the selected variables or the memory location of the target processor.
The variable on the target processor can be directly set from the variable window. Users can select the
variable address, variable type (signed/unsigned fixed point, floating point, signed/unsigned fractional,
string), variable size, sampling period, etc. The important part of the setting is the real type
transformation of the variables. It enables transformation of the variable available on the target
processor into a format that is more understandable for users. The variables can be visualized in the
variable window, as well as in the control page (see
A typical example is the transformation of the variable omega_actual that represents the motor
speed. At the target processor, the variable is a signed fractional type, scaled as:
-1 = maximal motor speed in a negative direction
0 = zero motor speed
1 = maximal motor speed in a positive direction
The real type transformation transfers such signed fractional type into a real mechanical speed
displayed in rotations per minute (RPM). Thus the speed can be easily set and observed in PC master
The Scope window enables visualization of the variables of the target processor in a way similar to the
way classical oscilloscopes do. PC master software communicates with the target processor at
predetermined intervals. Each time it reads the selected variable and displays it as a course. It enables
the display of up to eight courses in a single Scope window. The communication speed between the PC
and the target controller depends on a number of selected variables in both the Scope and Variables
windows. Typically, the variable is updated each 10msec.
The oscilloscope is useful for tracking variables that change relatively slowly. The rate of their change
should be comparable to the rate of variable updates in the Scope window. A typical example is the
speed of the motor.
The Recorder window enables the visualization of fast changing variables. A small routine, that
resides in user code, stores the selected variables in the on-board memory buffer. When the recording
is finished, they are loaded into the PC and displayed as a course. The length of the buffer is limited by
the accessible free on-board data RAM.
The Recorder is very useful for tracking variables which change so fast that they cannot be tracked by
the Scope. A typical example is the motor current.
The Stimulator enables stimulation of the selected variables. PC master software updates the variable
in the target processor according to a predetermined variable profile. Thus the response of the system
can be observed and evaluated.
The stimulator is useful for both motor control and application development. A typical example is the
speed profile of the washing machine application. The user can pre-set the profile of the motor speed
and evaluate the behavior of the drive without touching the motor control software.
Real Time Development using the PC Master Software
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