PIC10F220E/MC MICROCHIP [Microchip Technology], PIC10F220E/MC Datasheet



Manufacturer Part Number
High-Performance Microcontrollers with 8-bit A/D
MICROCHIP [Microchip Technology]
Data Sheet
High-Performance Microcontrollers
with 8-bit A/D
© 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.

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PIC10F220E/MC Summary of contents

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High-Performance Microcontrollers © 2007 Microchip Technology Inc. PIC10F220/222 Data Sheet with 8-bit A/D DS41270E ...

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Note the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices: • Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet. • Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families ...

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Flash Microcontrollers Device Included In This Data Sheet: • PIC10F220 • PIC10F222 High-Performance RISC CPU: • Only 33 Single-Word Instructions to Learn • All Single-Cycle Instructions Except for Program Branches which are Two-Cycle • 12-bit Wide Instructions • ...

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PIC10F220/222 6-Lead SOT-23 Pin Diagram GP0/AN0/ICSPDAT GP1/AN1/ICSPCLK 8-Lead DIP Pin Diagram GP2/T0CKI/FOSC4 GP1/AN1/ICSPCLK 8-Lead DFN Pin Diagram GP2/T0CKI/FOSC4 GP1/AN1/ICSPCLK DS41270E-page GP3/MCLR GP2/T0CKI/FOSC4 1 GP3/MCLR/V N ...

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Table of Contents 1.0 General Description...................................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.0 Device Varieties .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7 3.0 Architectural Overview ................................................................................................................................................................. 9 4.0 Memory Organization ................................................................................................................................................................. 13 5.0 I/O Port ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 21 6.0 TMR0 Module and TMR0 Register............................................................................................................................................. 25 7.0 Analog-to-Digital (A/D) converter ............................................................................................................................................... 29 ...

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PIC10F220/222 NOTES: DS41270E-page 4 © 2007 Microchip Technology Inc. ...

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GENERAL DESCRIPTION The PIC10F220/222 devices from Technology are low-cost, high-performance, 8-bit, fully- static Flash-based CMOS microcontrollers. They employ a RISC architecture with only 33 single-word/ single-cycle instructions. All instructions are single- cycle (1 μs) except for program branches, which ...

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PIC10F220/222 NOTES: DS41270E-page 6 © 2007 Microchip Technology Inc. ...

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DEVICE VARIETIES A variety of packaging options are available. Depend- ing on application and production requirements, the proper device option can be selected using the information in this section. When placing orders, please use the PIC10F220/222 Product Identification System ...

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PIC10F220/222 NOTES: DS41270E-page 8 © 2007 Microchip Technology Inc. ...

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ARCHITECTURAL OVERVIEW The high performance of the PIC10F220/222 devices can be attributed to a number of architectural features commonly found in RISC microprocessors. To begin with, the PIC10F220/222 devices use a Harvard archi- tecture in which program and data ...

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PIC10F220/222 FIGURE 3-1: BLOCK DIAGRAM 9-10 Program Counter Flash 512 256 x 12 Program STACK1 Memory STACK2 Program 12 Bus Instruction Reg Direct Addr 8 Device Reset Timer Instruction Power-on Decode & Reset Control Watchdog Timer Timing ...

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Clocking Scheme/Instruction Cycle The clock is internally divided by four to generate four non-overlapping quadrature clocks, namely Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4. Internally, the PC is incremented every Q1, and the instruction is fetched from program memory and latched ...

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PIC10F220/222 NOTES: DS41270E-page 12 © 2007 Microchip Technology Inc. ...

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MEMORY ORGANIZATION The PIC10F220/222 memories are organized into pro- gram memory and data memory. Data memory banks are accessed using the File Select Register (FSR). 4.1 Program Memory Organization for the PIC10F220 The PIC10F220 devices have a 9-bit Program ...

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PIC10F220/222 4.3 Data Memory Organization Data memory is composed of registers or bytes of RAM. Therefore, data memory for a device is specified by its register file. The register file is divided into two functional groups: Special Function Registers (SFR) ...

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TABLE 4-1: SPECIAL FUNCTION REGISTER (SFR) SUMMARY Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 00h INDF Uses contents of FSR to address data memory (not a physical register) 01h TMR0 8-Bit Real-Time Clock/Counter (1) 02h PCL Low Order 8 Bits of ...

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PIC10F220/222 REGISTER 4-1: STATUS REGISTER (ADDRESS: 03h) R/W-0 R/W-0 R/W-0 GPWUF — — bit 7 Legend Readable bit W = Writable bit -n = Value at POR ‘1’ = Bit is set bit 7 GPWUF: GPIO Reset bit ...

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OPTION Register The OPTION register is a 8-bit wide, write-only register, which contains various control bits to configure the Timer0/WDT prescaler and Timer0. The OPTION register is not memory mapped and is therefore only addressable by executing the OPTION ...

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PIC10F220/222 4.6 OSCCAL Register The Oscillator Calibration (OSCCAL) register is used to calibrate the internal precision 4/8 MHz oscillator contains seven bits for calibration Note: Erasing the device will also erase the pre- programmed internal calibration value for ...

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Program Counter As a program instruction is executed, the Program Counter (PC) will contain the address of the next program instruction to be executed. The PC value is increased by one every instruction cycle, unless an instruction changes the ...

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PIC10F220/222 4.9 Indirect Data Addressing; INDF and FSR Registers The INDF register is not a physical register. Addressing INDF actually addresses the register whose address is contained in the FSR register (FSR is a pointer). This is indirect addressing. 4.9.1 ...

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I/O PORT As with any other register, the I/O register(s) can be written and read under program control. However, read instructions (e.g., MOVF GPIO, W) always read the I/O pins independent of the pin’s Input/Output modes. On Reset, all ...

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PIC10F220/222 FIGURE 5-2: BLOCK DIAGRAM OF GP0 AND GP1 GPPU Data Bus D Q Data WR Latch Port Reg D Q TRIS Latch TRIS ‘f’ Reset Analog Enable RD Port Mis-Match ADC ...

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TABLE 5-3: SUMMARY OF PORT REGISTERS Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 N/A TRISGPIO — — N/A OPTION GPWU GPPU 03h STATUS GPWUF — 06h GPIO — — Legend: Shaded cells not used by PORT registers, read as ‘0’, – ...

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PIC10F220/222 NOTES: DS41270E-page 24 © 2007 Microchip Technology Inc. ...

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TMR0 MODULE AND TMR0 REGISTER The Timer0 module has the following features: • 8-bit timer/counter register, TMR0 • Readable and writable • 8-bit software programmable prescaler • Internal or external clock select: - Edge select for external clock Figure ...

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TIMER0 INCREMENT DELAY Since the prescaler output is synchronized with the internal clocks, there is a small delay from the time the external clock edge occurs to the time the Timer0 mod- ule is actually incremented. Figure 6-4 shows ...

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PIC10F220/222 6.2.1 SWITCHING PRESCALER ASSIGNMENT The prescaler assignment is fully under software control (i.e., it can be changed “on-the-fly” during pro- gram execution). To avoid an unintended device Reset, the following instruction sequence (Example 6-1) must be executed when changing ...

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ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL (A/D) CONVERTER The A/D converter allows conversion of an analog signal into an 8-bit digital signal. 7.1 Clock Divisors The A/D Converter has a single clock source setting, INTOSC/4. The A/D Converter requires complete a ...

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PIC10F220/222 7.7 Analog Conversion Result Register The ADRES register contains the results of the last conversion. These results are present during the sam- pling period of the next analog conversion process. After the sampling period is over, ADRES is cleared ...

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REGISTER 7-2: ADRES: ANALOG CONVERSION RESULT REGISTER R-X R-X R-X ADRES7 ADRES6 ADRES5 bit 7 Legend Readable bit W = Writable bit -n = Value at POR ‘1’ = Bit is set bit 7-0 ADRES<7:0> © 2007 Microchip ...

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PIC10F220/222 7.9 A/D Acquisition Requirements For the ADC to meet its specified accuracy, the charge holding capacitor (C ) must be allowed to fully HOLD charge to the input channel voltage level. The Analog Input model is shown in Figure ...

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SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE CPU What sets a microcontroller apart from other proces- sors are special circuits that deal with the needs of real- time applications. The PIC10F220/222 microcontrol- lers have a host of such features intended to maximize ...

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PIC10F220/222 8.2 Oscillator Configurations 8.2.1 OSCILLATOR TYPES The PIC10F220/222 devices are offered with internal oscillator mode only. • INTOSC: Internal 4/8 MHz Oscillator 8.2.2 INTERNAL 4/8 MHz OSCILLATOR The internal oscillator provides a 4/8 MHz (nominal) system clock (see Section ...

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TABLE 8-2: RESET CONDITION FOR SPECIAL REGISTERS Power-on Reset MCLR Reset during normal operation MCLR Reset during Sleep WDT Reset during Sleep WDT Reset normal operation Wake-up from Sleep on pin change Legend unchanged unknown, – ...

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FIGURE 8-5: TIME-OUT SEQUENCE ON POWER-UP (MCLR TIED TO V TIME V DD MCLR Internal POR DRT Time-out Internal Reset Note: When V rises slowly, the T DD value. In this example, the chip will reset properly if, and only ...

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PIC10F220/222 8.5 Device Reset Timer (DRT) On the PIC10F220/222 devices, the DRT runs any time the device is powered up. The DRT operates on an internal oscillator. The pro- cessor is kept in Reset as long as the DRT is ...

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FIGURE 8-6: WATCHDOG TIMER BLOCK DIAGRAM From Timer0 Clock Source (Figure 6-5) Watchdog Timer WDT Enable Configuration Bit Note 1: T0CS, T0SE, PSA, PS<2:0> are bits in the OPTION register. TABLE 8-4: SUMMARY OF REGISTERS ASSOCIATED WITH THE WATCHDOG TIMER ...

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PIC10F220/222 8.8 Reset on Brown-out A Brown-out is a condition where device power (V dips below its minimum value, but not to zero, and then recovers. The device should be reset in the event of a Brown-out. To reset PIC10F220/222 ...

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WAKE-UP FROM SLEEP The device can wake-up from Sleep through one of the following events external Reset input on GP3/MCLR/V when configured as MCLR Watchdog Timer Time-out Reset (if WDT was enabled change ...

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PIC10F220/222 NOTES: DS41270E-page 42 © 2007 Microchip Technology Inc. ...

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INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY The PIC16 instruction set is highly orthogonal and is comprised of three basic categories. • Byte-oriented operations • Bit-oriented operations • Literal and control operations Each PIC16 instruction is a 12-bit word divided into an opcode, ...

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PIC10F220/222 TABLE 9-2: INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY Mnemonic, Description Operands f, d Add W and f ADDWF f, d AND W with f ANDWF f Clear f CLRF – Clear W CLRW f, d Complement f COMF f, d Decrement f ...

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Instruction Description ADDWF Add W and f Syntax: [ label ] ADDWF f,d 0 ≤ f ≤ 31 Operands: d ∈ [0,1] (W) + (f) → (destination) Operation: Status Affected: C, DC, Z Description: Add the contents of the ...

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PIC10F220/222 BTFSS Bit Test f, Skip if Set Syntax: [ label ] BTFSS f,b 0 ≤ f ≤ 31 Operands: 0 ≤ b < 7 Operation: skip if (f<b> Status Affected: None Description: If bit ‘b’ in register ...

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DECF Decrement f Syntax: [ label ] DECF f,d 0 ≤ f ≤ 31 Operands: d ∈ [0,1] (f) – 1 → (dest) Operation: Status Affected: Z Description: Decrement register ‘f’. If ‘d’ is ‘0’, the result is stored in ...

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PIC10F220/222 IORWF Inclusive OR W with f Syntax: [ label ] IORWF f,d 0 ≤ f ≤ 31 Operands: d ∈ [0,1] (W).OR. (f) → (dest) Operation: Status Affected: Z Description: Inclusive OR the W register with register ‘f’. If ...

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RETLW Return with Literal in W Syntax: [ label ] RETLW k 0 ≤ k ≤ 255 Operands: k → (W); Operation: TOS → PC Status Affected: None Description: The W register is loaded with the eight-bit literal ‘k’. The ...

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PIC10F220/222 TRIS Load TRIS Register Syntax: [ label ] TRIS f Operands (W) → TRIS register f Operation: Status Affected: None Description: TRIS register ‘f’ loaded with the contents of the ...

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ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (†) Absolute Maximum Ratings Ambient temperature under bias.............................................................................................................-40°C to +125°C Storage temperature ...............................................................................................................................-65°C to +150°C Voltage on V with respect to V ..................................................................................................................0 to +6. Voltage on MCLR with respect to V .............................................................................................................0 to +13.5V ...

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PIC10F220/222 VOLTAGE-FREQUENCY GRAPH, -40°C ≤ T FIGURE 10-1: 6.0 5.5 5.0 4 (Volts) 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 0 DS41270E-page 52 ≤ +125° Frequency (MHz © 2007 Microchip Technology Inc. ...

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DC Characteristics: PIC10F220/222 (Industrial) DC CHARACTERISTICS Param Sym Characteristic No. D001 V Supply Voltage DD D002 V RAM Data Retention Voltage DR D003 V V Start Voltage POR DD to ensure Power-on Reset D004 S V Rise Rate VDD ...

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PIC10F220/222 10.2 DC Characteristics: PIC10F220/222 (Extended) DC CHARACTERISTICS Param Sym Characteristic No. D001 V Supply Voltage DD D002 V RAM Data Retention Voltage DR D003 V V Start Voltage POR DD to ensure Power-on Reset (3) I Supply Current DD ...

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DC Characteristics: PIC10F220/222 (Industrial, Extended) DC CHARACTERISTICS Param Sym Characteristic No. V Input Low Voltage IL I/O ports: D030 with TTL buffer D030A D031 with Schmitt Trigger buffer D032 MCLR, T0CKI V Input High Voltage IH I/O ports: D040 ...

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PIC10F220/222 TABLE 10-1: PULL-UP RESISTOR RANGES V (Volts) Temperature (°C) DD GP0/GP1 2.0 - 125 5.5 - 125 GP3 2.0 - 125 5.5 - 125 DS41270E-page 56 Min Typ 73K 105K 73K ...

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Timing Parameter Symbology and Load Conditions The timing parameter symbols have been created following one of the following formats: 1. TppS2ppS 2. TppS T F Frequency Lowercase subscripts (pp) and their meanings CLKOUT cy Cycle ...

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PIC10F220/222 FIGURE 10-3: RESET, WATCHDOG TIMER AND DEVICE RESET TIMER TIMING V DD MCLR Internal POR 32 DRT (2) Timeout Internal Reset Watchdog Timer Reset (1) I/O pin Note 1: I/O pins must be taken out of High-impedance mode by ...

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FIGURE 10-4: TIMER0 CLOCK TIMINGS T0CKI TABLE 10-4: TIMER0 CLOCK REQUIREMENTS AC CHARACTERISTICS Param Sym Characteristic No. 40 Tt0H T0CKI High Pulse Width 41 Tt0L T0CKI Low Pulse Width 42 Tt0P T0CKI Period * These parameters are characterized but not ...

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PIC10F220/222 TABLE 10-5: A/D CONVERTER CHARACTERISTICS Standard Operating Conditions (unless otherwise stated) -40°C ≤ T Operating temperature A Param Sym Characteristic No. A01 N Resolution R A03 E Integral Error IL A04 E Differential Error DL A05 E Full-scale Range ...

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DC AND AC CHARACTERISTICS GRAPHS AND TABLES Note: The graphs and tables provided following this note are a statistical summary based on a limited number of samples and are provided for informational purposes only. The performance characteristics listed herein ...

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PIC10F220/222 FIGURE 11-2: I vs. V OVER 1,800 Typical: Statistical Mean @25°C 1,600 Maximum: Mean (Worst Case Temp) + 3σ (-40°C to 125°C) 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0.0 2.0 2.5 FIGURE 11-3: TYPICAL I ...

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FIGURE 11-4: MAXIMUM I PD 18.0 Typical: Statistical Mean @25°C 16.0 Maximum: Mean (Worst Case Temp) + 3σ (-40°C to 125°C) 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 2.5 FIGURE 11-5: TYPICAL WDT I 9 Typical: Statistical Mean ...

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PIC10F220/222 FIGURE 11-6: MAXIMUM WDT I 25.0 Maximum: Mean (Worst Case Temp) + 3σ (-40°C to 125°C) 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 2.0 2.5 FIGURE 11-7: WDT TIME-OUT vs Max. 125° Max. 85° Typical. ...

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FIGURE 11-8: V vs. I OVER TEMPERATURE ( 0.8 Typical: Statistical Mean @25°C 0.7 Maximum: Mean (Worst Case Temp) + 3σ (-40°C to 125°C) 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 5.0 5.5 6.0 FIGURE 11-9: V vs. ...

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PIC10F220/222 FIGURE 11-10: V vs. I OVER TEMPERATURE ( 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 Typical: Statistical Mean @25°C Maximum: Mean (Worst Case Temp) + 3σ 1.0 (-40°C to 125°C) 0.5 0.0 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 FIGURE 11-11: V vs. ...

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FIGURE 11-12: TTL INPUT THRESHOLD V 1.7 Typical: Statistical Mean @25°C 1.5 Maximum: Mean (Worst Case Temp) + 3σ (-40°C to 125°C) 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.7 0.5 2.0 2.5 FIGURE 11-13: SCHMITT TRIGGER INPUT THRESHOLD V 4.0 Typical: Statistical Mean ...

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PIC10F220/222 NOTES: DS41270E-page 68 © 2007 Microchip Technology Inc. ...

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DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT ® The PIC microcontrollers are supported with a full range of hardware and software development tools: • Integrated Development Environment ® - MPLAB IDE Software • Assemblers/Compilers/Linkers - MPASM TM Assembler - MPLAB C18 and MPLAB C30 ...

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PIC10F220/222 12.2 MPASM Assembler The MPASM Assembler is a full-featured, universal macro assembler for all PIC MCUs. The MPASM Assembler generates relocatable object files for the MPLINK Object Linker, Intel files, MAP files to detail memory usage and symbol reference, ...

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MPLAB ICE 2000 High-Performance In-Circuit Emulator The MPLAB ICE 2000 In-Circuit Emulator is intended to provide the product development engineer with a complete microcontroller design tool set for PIC microcontrollers. Software control of the MPLAB ICE 2000 In-Circuit Emulator ...

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PIC10F220/222 12.11 PICSTART Plus Development Programmer The PICSTART Plus Development Programmer is an easy-to-use, low-cost, prototype programmer. It connects to the PC via a COM (RS-232) port. MPLAB Integrated Development Environment software makes using the programmer simple and efficient. The ...

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PACKAGING INFORMATION 13.1 Package Marking Information 6-Lead SOT-23* XXNN 8-Lead PDIP XXXXXXXX XXXXXNNN YYWW 8-Lead DFN* XXX YWW NN Legend: XX...X Customer-specific information Y Year code (last digit of calendar year) YY Year code (last 2 digits of calendar ...

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PIC10F220/222 TABLE 13-1: 8-LEAD 2x3 DFN (MC) TOP MARKING Part Number Marking PIC10F220-I/MC PIC10F220-E/MC PIC10F222-I/MC PIC10F222-E/MC DS41270E-page 74 TABLE 13-2: Part Number BJ0 PIC10F220-I/OT BK0 PIC10F220-E/OT BL0 PIC10F222-I/OT BM0 PIC10F222-E/OT Note: NN traceability code. 6-LEAD SOT-23 (OT) PACKAGE TOP MARKING ...

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Plastic Small Outline Transistor (OT) [SOT-23] Note: For the most current package drawings, please see the Microchip Packaging Specification located at http://www.microchip.com/packaging N PIN LASER MARK Number of Pins Pitch Outside ...

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PIC10F220/222 8-Lead Plastic Dual In-Line (P) – 300 mil Body [PDIP] Note: For the most current package drawings, please see the Microchip Packaging Specification located at http://www.microchip.com/packaging N NOTE Number of Pins Pitch Top ...

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Plastic Dual Flat, No Lead Package (MC) – 2x3x0.9 mm Body [DFN] Note: For the most current package drawings, please see the Microchip Packaging Specification located at http://www.microchip.com/packaging D N NOTE TOP VIEW A3 Number of ...

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PIC10F220/222 APPENDIX A: REVISION HISTORY Revision A Original release of document. Revision B (03/2006) Table 3-1, GP1; Section 4.7, Program Counter; Table 5- 2; Figure 8-5; Section 9.1, ANDWF, SLEEP, SUBWF, SWAPF, XORLW. Revision C (08/2006) Added 8-Lead DFN pinout ...

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INDEX A A/D Specifications.............................................................. 60 ADC Internal Sampling Switch ( MPEDANCE Source Impedance...................................................... 32 ALU ....................................................................................... 9 Assembler MPASM Assembler..................................................... 62 B Block Diagram On-Chip Reset Circuit ................................................. 36 Timer0......................................................................... 25 TMR0/WDT Prescaler................................................. 28 Watchdog Timer.......................................................... 39 ...

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PIC10F220/222 W Wake-up from Sleep ........................................................... 41 Watchdog Timer (WDT) ................................................ 33, 38 Period.......................................................................... 38 Programming Considerations ..................................... 38 WWW Address.................................................................... 75 WWW, On-Line Support........................................................ 3 Z Zero bit .................................................................................. 9 DS41270E-page 80 © 2007 Microchip Technology Inc. ...

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THE MICROCHIP WEB SITE Microchip provides online support via our WWW site at www.microchip.com. This web site is used as a means to make files and information easily available to customers. Accessible by using your favorite Internet browser, the web ...

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PIC10F220/222 READER RESPONSE It is our intention to provide you with the best documentation possible to ensure successful use of your Microchip prod- uct. If you wish to provide your comments on organization, clarity, subject matter, and ways in which ...

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PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM To order or obtain information, e.g., on pricing or delivery, refer to the factory or the listed sales office PART NO. X /XX Device Temperature Package Range Device: PIC10F220 PIC10F222 PIC10F220T (Tape & Reel) PIC10F222T (Tape & ...

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W ORLDWIDE AMERICAS ASIA/PACIFIC Corporate Office Asia Pacific Office 2355 West Chandler Blvd. Suites 3707-14, 37th Floor Chandler, AZ 85224-6199 Tower 6, The Gateway Tel: 480-792-7200 Harbour City, Kowloon Fax: 480-792-7277 Hong Kong Technical Support: Tel: 852-2401-1200 http://support.microchip.com Fax: 852-2401-3431 ...

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