ATmega168PA Automotive Atmel Corporation, ATmega168PA Automotive Datasheet - Page 177


ATmega168PA Automotive

Manufacturer Part Number
ATmega168PA Automotive
Atmel Corporation
a = address high bits, b = address low bits, d = data in high bits, e = data in low bits, p = data out high bits, q = data out low bits,
x = don’t care, 1 = Lock Bit1, 2 = Lock Bit2, 3 = CKSEL0 Fuse, 4 = CKSEL1 Fuse, 5 = CKSEL2 Fuse, 6 = CKSEL3 Fuse, 7 =
SUT0 Fuse, 8 = SUT1 Fuse, 9 = CKDIV8 Fuse, A = CKOUT Fuse, B = BODLEVEL0 Fuse, C = BODLEVEL1 Fuse, D=
BODLEVEL2 Fuse, E = EESAVE Fuse, F = WDTON Fuse, G = SPIEN Fuse, H = DWEN Fuse, I = RSTDISBL Fuse
1. For page sizes less than 256 words, parts of the address (bbbb_bbbb) will be parts of the page address.
2. For page sizes less than 256 bytes, parts of the address (bbbb_bbbb) will be parts of the page address.
3. The EEPROM is written page-wise. But only the bytes that are loaded into the page are actually written to the EEPROM.
Page-wise EEPROM access is more efficient when multiple bytes are to be written to the same page. Note that auto-erase
of EEPROM is not available in High-voltage Serial Programming, only in SPI Programming.
Atmel ATtiny24/44/84 [Preliminary]

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