AD9520-4 Analog Devices, Inc., AD9520-4 Datasheet - Page 35



Manufacturer Part Number
12 Lvpecl/24 Cmos Output Clock Generator With Integrated 1.6 Ghz Vco
Analog Devices, Inc.

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20 000
Charge Pump (CP)
The charge pump is controlled by the PFD. The PFD monitors
the phase and frequency relationship between its two inputs and
tells the CP to pump up or pump down to charge or discharge the
integrating node (part of the loop filter). The integrated and
filtered CP current is transformed into a voltage that drives the
tuning node of the internal VCO through the LF pin (or the
tuning pin of an external VCO) to move the VCO frequency up
or down. The CP can be set (0x010[6:4]) for high impedance
(allows holdover operation), for normal operation (attempts to
lock the PLL loop), for pump-up, or for pump-down (test modes).
The CP current is programmable in eight steps from (nominally)
600 μA to 4.8 mA. The exact value of the CP current LSB is set
by the CP_RSET resistor, which is nominally 5.1 kΩ.
On-Chip VCO
The AD9520 includes an on-chip VCO covering the frequency
range shown in Table 2. Achieving low VCO phase noise was a
priority in the design of the VCO.
To tune over the wide range of frequencies covered by this VCO,
ranges are used. This is largely transparent to the user but is the
reason that the VCO must be calibrated when the PLL loop is
first set up. The calibration procedure ensures that the VCO is
operating within the correct band range for the desired VCO
frequency. See the VCO Calibration section for additional
The on-chip VCO is powered by an on-chip, low dropout (LDO),
linear voltage regulator. The LDO provides some isolation of
the VCO from variations in the power supply voltage level.
The BYPASS pin should be connected to ground by a 220 nF
capacitor to ensure stability. This LDO employs the same
technology used in the anyCAP® line of regulators from Analog
Devices, Inc., making it insensitive to the type of capacitor used.
Driving an external load from the BYPASS pin is not supported.
PLL External Loop Filter
When using the internal VCO, the external loop filter should be
referenced to the BYPASS pin for optimal noise and spurious
performance. An example of an external loop filter for the PLL
is shown in Figure 39. A loop filter must be calculated for each
desired PLL configuration. The values of the components depend
upon the VCO frequency, the K
current, the desired loop bandwidth, and the desired phase margin.
The loop filter affects the phase noise, the loop settling time,
and the loop stability. A knowledge of PLL theory is necessary
for understanding loop filter design. There are tools available,
such as the ADIsimCLK, that can help with the calculation of a
loop filter according to the application requirements.
, the PFD frequency, the CP
Rev. 0 | Page 35 of 84
PLL Reference Inputs
The AD9520 features a flexible PLL reference input circuit that
allows a fully differential input, two separate single-ended inputs,
or a 16.67 MHz to 32 MHz crystal oscillator with an on-chip
maintaining amplifier. An optional reference clock doubler
can be used to double the PLL reference frequency. The input
frequency range for the reference inputs is specified in Table 2.
Both the differential and the single-ended inputs are self-biased,
allowing for easy ac coupling of input signals.
Either a differential or a single-ended reference must be specifically
enabled. All PLL reference inputs are off by default.
The differential input and the single-ended inputs share two pins,
REFIN (REF1)/ REFIN (REF2). The desired reference input type is
selected and controlled by 0x01C (see
When the differential reference input is selected, the self-bias
level of the two sides is offset slightly to prevent chattering of
the input buffer when the reference is slow or missing. The
specification for this voltage level can be found in Table 2.
The input hysteresis increases the voltage swing required of
the driver to overcome the offset.
The single-ended inputs can be driven by either a dc-coupled
CMOS level signal or an ac-coupled sine wave or square wave.
To avoid input buffer chatter when a single-ended ac-coupled
input signal stops toggling, the user can set 0x018[7] to 1. This
shifts the dc offset bias point down 140 mV. To increase isolation
and reduce power, each single-ended input can be independently
powered down.
The differential reference input receiver is powered down when
the differential reference input is not selected or when the PLL
is powered down. The single-ended buffers power down when
the PLL is powered down, or when their respective individual
power down registers are set. When the differential mode is
selected, the single-ended inputs are powered down.
Figure 39. Example of External Loop Filter for PLL
= 220nF
Table 49
Table 53

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