at25df641a ATMEL Corporation, at25df641a Datasheet - Page 25



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64-mbit 2.7v Minimum Serial Peripheral Interface Serial Flash Memory
ATMEL Corporation

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2 100
Read Sector Protection Registers
If the desire is to only change the SPRL bit without performing a Global Protect or Global Unpro-
tect, then the system can simply write a 0Fh to the first byte of the Status Register to change the
SPRL bit from a logical “1” to a logical “0” provided the WP pin is deasserted. Likewise, the sys-
tem can write an F0h to change the SPRL bit from a logical “0” to a logical “1” without affecting
the current sector protection status (no changes will be made to the Sector Protection
When writing to the first byte of the Status Register, bits five, four, three, and two will not actually
be modified but will be decoded by the device for the purposes of the Global Protect and Global
Unprotect functions. Only bit seven, the SPRL bit, will actually be modified. Therefore, when
reading the first byte of the Status Register, bits five, four, three, and two will not reflect the val-
ues written to them but will instead indicate the status of the WP pin and the sector protection
status. Please refer to
on the Status Register format and what values can be read for bits five, four, three, and two.
The Sector Protection Registers can be read to determine the current software protection status
of each sector. Reading the Sector Protection Registers, however, will not determine the status
of the WP pin.
To read the Sector Protection Register for a particular sector, the CS pin must first be asserted
and the opcode of 3Ch must be clocked in. Once the opcode has been clocked in, three address
bytes designating any address within the sector must be clocked in. After the last address byte
has been clocked in, the device will begin outputting data on the SO pin during every subse-
quent clock cycle. The data being output will be a repeating byte of either FFh or 00h to denote
the value of the appropriate Sector Protection Register.
At clock frequencies above f
ing at clock frequencies above f
device in order to determine the correct status of the appropriate Sector Protection Register.
Table 9-3.
Deasserting the CS pin will terminate the read operation and put the SO pin into a high-imped-
ance state. The CS pin can be deasserted at any time and does not require that a full byte of
data be read.
In addition to reading the individual Sector Protection Registers, the Software Protection Status
(SWP) bits in the Status Register can be read to determine if all, some, or none of the sectors
are software protected (refer to
Output Data
Read Sector Protection Register - Output Data
Sector Protection Register Value
Sector Protection Register value is 0 (sector is unprotected).
Sector Protection Register value is 1 (sector is protected).
“Read Status Register” on page 33
, the first byte of data output will not be valid. Therefore, if operat-
“Read Status Register” on page 33
Atmel AT25DF641A [Preliminary]
, at least two bytes of data must be clocked out from the
Table 11-1 on page 34
for more details).
for details

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