cxa3025n Sony Electronics, cxa3025n Datasheet - Page 7



Manufacturer Part Number
All Band Tv Tuner Ic Vhf-catv-uhf
Sony Electronics

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Part Number
Part Number:
1 500
Part Number:
20 000
Description of Operation (See Electrical Characteristics Measurement Circuit.)
VHF oscillator circuit
This is a differential amplifier type oscillator circuit with an output at Pin 15 and an input at Pin 13.
Connect an LC resonance circuit comprising a varicap diode to Pin 15 through a coupling capacitor, and input
the positive feedback from this resonance circuit to Pin 13 through a feedback capacitor to execute oscillation.
Note that if the capacitance across Pins 13 and 15 is too large, positive feedback may be applied via a
parasitic capacitance causing undesired stray oscillation. The resistance connected to Pin 13 is for preventing
parasitic oscillation, and is inserted to ensure stable oscillation.
VHF mixer circuit
The mixer circuit adopts a common emitter type double-balanced mixer with little leakage of the local
oscillation signal. The RF signal is input to Pins 8 and 9. During normal use, the RF signal is input to one pin
while the other pin is connected to GND. The RF signal is converted to IF frequency by the signal supplied
from the oscillator and then output to Pins 4 and 5.
UHF oscillator circuit
The UHF oscillator is formed from two collector-grounded Colpitts oscillators, and oscillation is provided at the
differential input through an LC resonance circuit comprising a varicap diode. An LC resonance circuit
comprising a varicap diode is connected across Pins 16, 17, 20 and 21.
UHF mixer circuit
Like the VHF mixer, the UHF mixer adopts a double-balanced mixer. The RF signal is input to Pins 11 and 12.
There is a balanced input at the differential from both edges of the secondary coil of the pre-stage double tune
circuit, or an unbalanced input to Pin 11 with a capacitor connected at Pin 12 to GND. Otherwise, the
conditions and usage are the same as those for the VHF mixer circuit.
IF amplifier circuit
The signal frequency converted by the mixer is output from Pins 4 and 5, and input to IF input pins 1 and 2
through an external IF tune circuit. For the IF tune circuit, a single tune circuit like the electrical characteristics
measurement circuit or a double tune circuit can be connected. The signal amplified by the IF amplifier is
output from Pin 24. The output impedance is approximately 75 .
Also, the input block of the IF amplifier has a built-in coupling capacitor, and direct connection with the mixer
output is possible.
U/V switch circuit
UHF operation is chosen by applying voltage of 3V or more to Pin 23; VHF operation for 0V or OPEN.
PLL oscillator signal output circuit
The oscillation signal is output to Pin 22 (PLLOUT) through a buffer amplifier. The resistance connected to the
output pin is used to adjust the current flowing to the buffer amplifier. The resistance value is adjusted
depending on the connected load, and output distortion can be minimized.
Notes on Operation
Care should be taken for grounding, etc. when placing external parts as high operating frequencies are
present. In addition, since the GND pins (Pins 6, 7, 18 and 19) also serve as heat dissipation pins, care should
be taken to prevent heat problems.
Care should also be taken to prevent electrostatic damage to high frequency I/O pins.
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