TM121XG_02L02D TORiSAN, TM121XG_02L02D Datasheet - Page 15



Manufacturer Part Number
Tottori SANYO Electric Co., Ltd.
(10) Plugging in of connector
(11) Handling of lamp cable and FPC (Flexible Printed Circuit)
(12) Switching off before plugging in connector
Protection against dust and stain
LCD module should be handled in circumstance as clean as possible.
It is recommended to wear fingerstalls or ductless and soft gloves before handling
to avoid getting dust or stain on display surface.
Protection film for display surface
It is recommended to remove protection film at nearly final process of assembling
to avoid getting scratch or dust. To remove film, please pick up its edge with dull-
head tweezers or cellophane tape at first and then remove film gradually taking
more than 3 seconds. If film is removed quickly, static electricity may be generated
and may damage semiconductors or electronic components.
Contamination of display surface
When display surface of LCD module is contaminated, please wipe the surface
softly with cotton swab or clean cloth. If it is not enough, please take it away with
cellophane tape or wipe the surface with cotton swab or clean cloth containing
benzine. In this case, please be careful so that benzine does not get in inside of
LCD module, because it may be damaged.
Water drop on LCD surface
Please do not leave LCD module with water drop. When the display surface gets
water drop, please wipe it off with cotton swab or soft cloth immediately, otherwise
display surface will be deteriorated.
If water gets in inside of LCD module, circuit may be damaged.
Please make sure that LCD module is not warped or twisted at installation into
system. Even temporary warp or twist may be the cause for failure.
Mechanical stress
Please be careful not to apply strong mechanical stress like drop or shock to LCD
module. Such stress may cause break of display glass and lamp or may be the
cause for failure.
Pressure to display surface
Please be careful not to apply strong pressure to display surface. Such pressure
may cause scratches at surface or may be the cause of failure.
Protection against scratch
Please be careful not to hit, press or rub the display surface with hard material like
tools. In addition, please do not put heavy or hard material on display surface, and
do not stack LCD modules. Polarizer at front surface can be easily scratched.
Please be careful not to apply strong stress to connector part of LCD module at
plugging in or out, because strong stress may damage the inside connection. At
plugging in connector, place LCD module on the flat surface and hold the backside
of connector on LCD module. Please make sure that connector is plugged in
correctly. Insecure connection may be the cause for failure during operation.
In addition, please be careful not to put the connecting cable between cabinet of
system and LCD module at installing LCD module into system.
Please be careful not to pull or scratch lamp cable, because lamp or soldered part
of cable may be damaged consequently.
Also FPC should not be pulled or scratched.
Please make sure that power is switched off before plugging in connector.
If power is on at plugging in or out, circuit of LCD module may be damaged.
When LCD is switched on for test or inspection, please make sure that power
supply and input signals of driving system meet the specified power sequence.
TM121XG-02L02D Ver.2

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