CY7C9689A-AI Cypress Semiconductor Corp, CY7C9689A-AI Datasheet - Page 13



Manufacturer Part Number
Cypress Semiconductor Corp

Specifications of CY7C9689A-AI

Lead Free Status / RoHS Status
Not Compliant

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Part Number
Part Number:
Document #: 38-02020 Rev. *D
CY7C9689A HOTLink Operation
The CY7C9689A is designed to move parallel data across
both short and long distances with minimal overhead or host
system intervention. This is accomplished by converting the
parallel characters into a serial bit-stream, transmitting these
serial bits at high speed, and converting the received serial bits
back into the original parallel data format.
The CY7C9689A offers a large feature set, allowing it to be
used in a wide range of host systems. Some of the configu-
ration options are
This flexibility allows the CY7C9689A to meet the data
transport needs of almost any system.
Transmit Data Path
Transmit Data Interface/Transmit Data FIFO
The transmit data interface to the host system is configurable
as either an asynchronous buffered (FIFOed) parallel interface
or as a synchronous pipeline register. The bus itself can be
configured for operation with either 8-bit or 10-bit character
When configured for asynchronous operation (where the
host-bus interface clock operates asynchronous to the serial
character and bit stream clocks), the host interface becomes
that of a synchronous FIFO clocked by TXCLK. In this config-
uration an internal 256-character Transmit FIFO is enabled
that allows the host interface to be written at any rate from DC
to 50 MHz.
When configured for synchronous operation, the transmit
interface is clocked by REFCLK and operates synchronous to
the internal character and bit-stream clocks. The input register
can be written at either 1/10 or 1/12 the serial bit rate. This
interface can be clocked at up to 40 MHz when configured for
8-bit data width, and up to 33 MHz when configured for 10-bit
data bus width. Actual clock rate depends on data rate as well
as RANGESEL and SPDSEL logic levels.
Both asynchronous and synchronous interface operations
support user control over the logical sense of the FIFO status
flags. Full and empty flags on both the transmitter and receiver
can be active HIGH or active LOW. This facilitates interfacing
with existing control logic or external FIFOs with minimal or no
external glue logic.
• AMD TAXIchip 4B/5B- and 5B/6B-compatible
• AMD TAXIchip-compatible serial link
• AMD TAXIchip parallel COMMAND and DATA I/O bus
• 8-bit or 10-bit character size
• User-definable data packet or frame structure
• Two-octave data rate range
• Asynchronous (FIFOed) or synchronous data interface
• Embedded or bypassable FIFO data storage
• Encoded or non-encoded
• Multi-PHY capability
Data from the host interface or Transmit FIFO is next passed
to an Encoder block. The CY7C9689A contains both 4B/5B
and 5B/6B encoders that are used to improve the serial
transport characteristics of the data. For those systems that
contain their own encoder or scrambler, this Encoder may be
Serializer/Line Driver
The data from the Encoder is passed to a Serializer. This
Serializer operates at 10 or 12 times the character rate. With
the internal FIFOs enabled, REFCLK can run at 1x, 2x, or 4x
the character rate. With the FIFOs bypassed, REFCLK can
operate at 1x or 2x the character rate. The serialized data is
output in NRZI format from two PECL-compatible differential
line drivers configured to drive transmission lines or optical
Receive Data Interface
Line Receiver/Deserializer/Framer
Serial data is received at one of two PECL-compatible differ-
ential line receivers. The data is passed to both a Clock and
Data Recovery PLL and to a Deserializer that converts NRZI
serial data into NRZ parallel characters. The Framer adjusts
the boundaries of these characters to match those of the
original transmitted characters.
The parallel characters are passed through a pair of 5B/4B or
6B/5B decoders and returned to their original form. For
systems that make use of external decoding or descrambling,
the decoder may be bypassed.
Receive Data Interface/Receive Data FIFO
Data from the decoder is passed either to a synchronous
Receive FIFO or is passed directly to the output register. The
output register can be configured for either 8-bit character or
10-bit character operation.
When configured for an asynchronous buffered (FIFOed)
interface, the data is passed through a 256-character Receive
FIFO that allows data to be read at any rate from DC to 50
MHz. When configured for synchronous operation (Receive
FIFO is bypassed) data is clocked out of the Receive Output
register at up to 20 MHz when configured for 8-bit characters,
or 16.67 MHz when configured for 10-bit characters. The
receive interface is also configurable for FIFO flags with either
HIGH or LOW status indication
Oscillator Speed Selection
The CY7C9689A is designed to operate over a two-octave
range of serial signaling rates, covering the 50- to 200-MBaud
range. To cover this wide range, the PLLs are configured into
various sub-regions using the SPDSEL and RANGESEL
inputs, and to a limited extent the BYTE8/10 input. These
inputs are used to configure the various prescalers and clock
dividers used with the transmit and receive PLLs.
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