CS61310 Cirrus Logic, Inc., CS61310 Datasheet - Page 21



Manufacturer Part Number
Long Haul T1 Line Interface Unit
Cirrus Logic, Inc.
LBO1, LBO2 - Line Build Out 1 and 2, Pins 24 and 25 (Hardware Mode).
RLOOP - Remote Loopback Input, Pin 26 (Hardware Mode).
LLOOP - Local Loopback Input, Pin 27(Hardware Mode).
TAOS - Transmit All Ones Select Input, Pin 28 (Hardware Mode).
LOS - Loss Of Signal Output, Pin 12.
LATN - Line Attenuation Indication Output, Pin 18.
NLOOP - Network Loopback Output, Pin 23 (Hardware Mode).
INT - Interrupt Output, Pin 23 (Host Mode).
SDI - Serial Data Input, Pin 24 (Host Mode).
Serial Control Interface
Transmitted line build out pulse shapes are selected by setting LBO1/2: 0/0 = 0 dB, 0/1 =
-7.5 dB, 1/0 = -15 dB, and 1/1 = -22.5 dB.
Setting RLOOP to a logic 1 causes the received signal to be passed through the jitter attenuator (if
active) and retransmitted onto the line. The internal encoders/decoders will be bypassed in Remote
Loopback. Simultaneously setting RLOOP and LLOOP high while TAOS is low resets the CS61310.
Simultaneously setting RLOOP, LLOOP and TAOS high enables Network Loopback detection.
Setting LLOOP to a logic 1 internally routes the transmitter input to the receiver output. If TAOS is low,
the signal being output from the transmitter will be internally routed to the receiver inputs allowing nearly
the entire chip to be tested. If TAOS and LLOOP are set high at the same time, the local loopback will
occur at the jitter attenuator (excluding the transmit and receive circuitry) and the transmitter will
transmit all ones. Simultaneously setting RLOOP and LLOOP high while TAOS is low resets the
CS61310. Simultaneously setting RLOOP, LLOOP and TAOS high enables Network Loopback detection.
Setting TAOS to logic 1 causes continuous ones to be transmitted at the TCLK frequency. When TAOS
is high, TPOS and TNEG (TDATA) are not output at the TTIP/TRING pins. TAOS is overridden by
Remote Loopback. Setting TAOS, LLOOP, and RLOOP high simultaneously enables Network Loopback
LOS goes high when 175 consecutive zeros are received. LOS returns low when the ones density
reaches 12.5% (based on 175 consecutive bit periods, starting with a one and containing less than 100
consecutive zeros, as prescribed in ANSI T1.231-1993).
LATN is an encoded output that indicates the receive equalizer gain setting in relation to a five RCLK
cycle period. If LATN is high for one RCLK cycle, the equalizer is set for 7.5 dB gain, two cycles =
15 dB gain, three cycles = 22.5 dB gain, four cycles = 0 dB. LATN may be sampled on the rising edge
of RCLK.
NLOOP goes high when a 00001 pattern is received for five seconds putting the CS61310 into network
(remote) loopback. Network loopback is deactivated upon receipt of a 001 pattern for five seconds, or
by the selection of RLOOP. Network loopback is temporarily suspended with LLOOP, but the state of the
NLOOP pin does not change.
INT pulls low to flag the host processor when NLOOP, AIS or LOS changes state. INT is an open drain
output and should be tied to the supply through a resistor.
Data input to the on-chip register is sampled on the rising edge of SCLK.

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