HT45R35V Holtek Semiconductor Inc., HT45R35V Datasheet - Page 12



Manufacturer Part Number
C/r To F Type 8-bit Otp Mcu
Holtek Semiconductor Inc.
The devices provides two external interrupts, one inter-
nal 8-bit timer/event counter interrupt and one external
RC oscillation converter interrupt. The interrupt control
register 0, INTC0, and interrupt control register 1,
INTC1, both contain the interrupt control bits that are
used to set the enable/disable and interrupt request
Once an interrupt subroutine is serviced, all the other in-
terrupts will be blocked, as the EMI bit will be cleared au-
tomatically. However this scheme may prevent further
interrupt nesting. Other interrupt requests may happen
during this interval but only the interrupt request flag is
recorded. If a certain interrupt requires servicing within
the service routine, the EMI bit and the corresponding
bit of the INTC0 and INTC1 registers may be set to allow
interrupt nesting.
If the stack is full, the interrupt request will not be ac-
knowledged, even if the related interrupt is enabled, un-
til the Stack Pointer is decremented. If immediate
service is desired, the stack must be prevented from be-
coming full.
All interrupts have a wake-up capability. As an interrupt
is serviced, a control transfer occurs by pushing the pro-
gram counter onto the stack, followed by a branch to a
subroutine at a specified location in the program mem-
ory. Only the program counter is pushed onto the stack.
If the contents of the accumulator or status register are
altered by the interrupt service program, this may cor-
rupt the desired control sequence, therefore their con-
tents should be saved in advance.
Rev. 1.00
1~3, 5~7
Bit No.
Bit No.
ERCOCI Controls the external RC oscillation converter interrupt (1= enabled; 0= disabled)
RCOCF External RC oscillation converter request flag (1= active; 0= inactive)
Controls the master (global) interrupt (1= enabled; 0= disabled)
Controls the external interrupt 0 (1= enabled; 0= disabled)
Controls the external interrupt 1 (1= enabled; 0= disabled)
Controls the Timer/Event Counter interrupt (1= enabled; 0= disabled)
External interrupt 0 request flag (1= active; 0= inactive)
External interrupt 1 request flag (1= active; 0= inactive)
Internal Timer/Event Counter request flag (1= active; 0= inactive)
Unused bit, read as 0
Unused bit, read as 0
INTC0 (0BH) Register
INTC1 (1EH) Register
External interrupts are triggered by an edge transition
on pins INT0 or INT1. A configuration option enables
these pins as interrupts and selects if they are active on
high to low or low to high transitions. If active their re-
lated interrupt request flag, EIF0; bit 4 in INTC0, and
EIF1; bit 5 in INTC0, will be set. After the interrupt is en-
abled, the stack is not full, and the external interrupt is
active, a subroutine call to location 04H or 08H will
occur. The interrupt request flags, EIF0 or EIF1, and the
EMI bit will all be cleared to disable other interrupts.
The internal Timer/Event Counter interrupt is initialised
by setting the Timer/Event Counter interrupt request
flag, TF; bit 6 in INTC0. A timer interrupt will be gener-
ated when the timer overflows. After the interrupt is en-
abled, and the stack is not full, and the TF bit is set, a
subroutine call to location 0CH will occur. The related
interrupt request flag, TF, is reset, and the EMI bit is
cleared to disable other interrupts.
The external RC oscillation converter interrupt is initial-
ized by setting the external RC oscillation converter inter-
rupt request flag, RCOCF; bit 4 of INTC1. This is caused
by a Timer A or Timer B overflow. When the interrupt is
enabled, and the stack is not full and the RCOCF bit is
set, a subroutine call to location 10H will occur. The re-
lated interrupt request flag, RCOCF, will be reset and the
EMI bit cleared to disable further interrupts.
During the execution of an interrupt subroutine, other in-
terrupt acknowledgments are held until the RETI in-
struction is executed or the EMI bit and the related
interrupt control bit are set to 1, if the stack is not full. To
return from the interrupt subroutine, a RET or RETI
instruction may be invoked. RETI will set the EMI bit to
enable an interrupt service, but RET will not.
January 15, 2009

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