S2053 AMCC (Applied Micro Circuits Corp), S2053 Datasheet - Page 4



Manufacturer Part Number
Bicmos Lvpecl Clock Generator Fibre Channel And Gigabit Ethernet Transceiver
AMCC (Applied Micro Circuits Corp)
Serial/Parallel Conversion
Serial data is received on the RXP, RXN pins. The
PLL clock recovery circuit will lock to the data stream
if the clock to be recovered is within 100 PPM of the
internally generated bit rate clock. The recovered clock
is used to retime the input data stream. The data is
then clocked into the serial to parallel output regis-
ters. Data is clocked out on the rising edge of RBC1
and RBC0. The parallel data out is 10 bits wide. The
word clock (RBC1) is synchronized to the incoming
data stream word boundary by the detection of the
Fibre Channel Comma character, positive disparity
(0011111XXX), found in the K28.5 control character.
Reference Clock Input
The reference clock input must be supplied with either a
differential LVLVPECL (REFCLKP/N) or single-ended
LVTTL (TREFCLK) clock source with 100 PPM toler-
ance to assure that the transmitted data meets the
Fibre Channel frequency limits. The internal serial clock
is frequency locked to the reference clock (125.00 or
106.25 MHz).
The S2053 provides COM_DET character recognition
and data word alignment of the LVTTL compatible out-
put data bus. In systems where the COM_DET function
is undesired, a LOW on the EN_CDET input disables
the COM_DET function and the data will be “un-framed”.
When framing is disabled by low EN_CDET, the S2053
simply achieves bit synchronization within 250 bit times
and begins to deliver parallel output data words when-
ever it has received full transmission words. No attempt
is made to synchronize on any particular incoming char-
The COM_DET output signal will go high whenever a
positive disparity comma character, found in the K28.5
control character, is present on the parallel data out-
puts and EN_CDET is high. The COM_DET output
signal will be low at all other times.
Lock Detect
The S2053 lock detect function monitors the state of
the receiver phase-locked loop (PLL) clock recovery
unit. The PLL will lock within 250 bit times after the
start of receiving serial data inputs. If the serial data
inputs have an instantaneous phase jump (from a se-
rial switch, for example) the PLL will not indicate an
out-of-lock state, but will recover the correct phase align-
ment within 50 to 250 bit times, depending on the input
eye opening. (See Fig. 14). If a run length of 80-160
bits is exceeded, or if the input data rate varies by
more than approximatley 600 ppm compared to the
reference clock, the loop will be declared out of lock.
When lock is lost, the PLL will shift from the serial input
data to the reference clock, so that the downstream
clock will maintain the correct frequency.
In any transfer of PLL control from the serial data to the
reference clock, the RBC1/RBC0 output remains phase
continuous and glitch free, assuring the integrity of down-
stream clocking.
Lock to Reference
The S2053 can be forced to lock to the REFCLK by
holding the –LCKREF signal LOW. For normal opera-
tion –LCKREF can be left unconnected or held HIGH.
When local loopback is enabled, serial data from the
transmitter is internally routed to the receiver, where
the clock is extracted and the data is deserialized. The
parallel data is then sent to the subsystem for verifica-
tion. The TXN and TXP outputs are disabled during
loopback. This loopback mode provides the capability
to perform offline testing of the interface to guarantee
the integrity of the serial channel before enabling the
transmission medium. It also allows system diagnos-
Operating Frequency Range
The S2053 is optimized for operation at 1250 and
1062 Mbit/s. Operation at other rates is possible if the
rate falls between the nominal rates. REFCLK must
be selected to be within 100 ppm of the desired byte
or word clock rate.

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