MT9M019 Aptina Imaging Corporation, MT9M019 Datasheet - Page 42



Manufacturer Part Number
1/5-Inch 1.3Mp CMOS Digital Image Sensor
Aptina Imaging Corporation
PN9 Link Integrity Pattern
Test Cursors
PDF: 7723845879/Source:2828556980
MT9D019_DS - Rev. F 5/10 EN
This test pattern provides a 512-bit pseudo-random test sequence to test the integrity of
the serial pixel data output stream. The polynomial x
initialized to 0x1FF at the start of each frame.
When this test pattern is enabled:
• The embedded data rows are disabled and the value of frame_format_decriptor_1
• The whole output frame, bounded by the limits programmed in x_output_size and
The MT9M019 supports one horizontal and one vertical cursor, allowing a “cross-hair”
to be superimposed on the image, or on test patterns 1–3.
The position and width of each cursor are programmable. Only even cursor positions
and even cursor widths are supported (this is a consequence of the internal architecture
of the pixel array). Each cursor can be inhibited by setting its width to “0.”
The programmed cursor position corresponds to an absolute row or column in the pixel
array. For example, setting horizontal_cursor_position to the same value as y_addr_start
would result in a horizontal cursor being drawn starting on the first row of the image.
The cursors are opaque (they replace data from the imaged scene or test pattern). The
color of each cursor is set by the values of the Bayer components in the test_data_red,
test_data_greenR, test_data_blue and test_data_greenB registers. As a consequence, the
cursors are the same color as test pattern 1 and are therefore invisible when test pattern
1 is selected.
When vertical_cursor_position = 0x07FF, the vertical cursor operates in an automatic
mode in which its position advances every frame. In this mode the cursor starts at the
column associated with x_addr_start = 0 and advances by a step-size of 8 columns each
frame, until it reaches the column associated with x_addr_start = 2040, after which it
wraps (256 steps). Note that the active pixel array is smaller than this, so in the last
56 steps, the cursor will not be visible. The width and color of the cursor in this auto-
matic mode are controlled in the usual way.
The effect of enabling the test cursors when the image_orientation register is non-zero is
not defined by the SMIA specification. The behavior of the MT9M019 is shown in
Figure 23 on page 43, where the test cursors are shown as translucent, for clarity. In prac-
tice, they are opaque (they overlay the imaged scene). The manner in which the test
cursors are affected by the value of image_orientation can be understood from the
following implementation details:
• The test cursors are inserted early in the data path, so that they correlate to rows and
• The drawing of a cursor starts when the pixel array row or column address matches
• The cursor generation continues until the appropriate cursor_width pixels have been
changes from 0x1002 to 0x1000 to indicate that no rows of embedded data are
y_output_size, is filled with data from the PN9 sequence.
to columns of the physical pixel array (rather than to x and to y coordinates of the
output image).
the value of the associated cursor_position register. As a result, the cursor start posi-
tion remains fixed, relative to the rows and columns of the pixel array, for all settings
of image_orientation.
drawn. The cursor width is generated from the start position and proceeds in the
direction of pixel array readout. As a result, each cursor is reflected about an axis
MT9M019: 1/5-Inch 1.3Mp CMOS Digital Image Sensor
Aptina reserves the right to change products or specifications without notice.
+ x
Sensor Core Digital Data Path
+ 1 is used. The polynomial is
©2006 Aptina Imaging Corporation. All rights reserved.

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