AM79C973VCW AMD [Advanced Micro Devices], AM79C973VCW Datasheet - Page 90



Manufacturer Part Number
AMD [Advanced Micro Devices]
RX_DV to input the data into the receive frame tag reg-
ister. At the deassertion of the RX_DV, the receive
frame tag register will no longer accept data from the
Expansion Bus Interface
The Am79C973/Am79C975 controller contains an Ex-
pansion Bus Interface that supports Flash and EPROM
devices as boot devices, as well as provides read/write
access to Flash or EPROM.
The signal AS_EBOE is provided to strobe the upper 8
bits of the address into an external ‘374 (D flip-flop) ad-
dress latch. AS_EBOE is asser ted LOW during
EPROM/Flash read operations to control the OE input
of the EPROM/Flash.
The Expansion Bus Address is split into two different
bus es, EBUA _EB A[7:0] and EB DA [15:8]. Th e
EBUA_EBA[7:0] provides the least and the most signif-
icant address byte. When accessing EPROM/Flash,
the EBUA_EBA[7:0] is strobed into an external ‘374 (D
flip-flop) address latch. This constitutes the most signif-
icant portion of the Expansion Bus Address. For
EPROM/Flash accesses, EBUA_EBA[7:0] constitutes
the remaining least significant address byte. For byte
oriented EPROM/Flash accesses, EBDA[15:8] consti-
tutes the upper or middle address byte. EBADDRU
(BCR29, bits 3-0) should be set to 0 when not used,
since EBADDRU constitutes the EBUA portion of the
EBUA_EBA address byte and is strobed into the exter-
nal ’374 address latch.
The signal EROMCS is connected to the CS/CE input
of the EPROM/Flash. The signal EBWE is connected
to the WE of the Flash device.
The Expansion Data Bus is configured for 8-bit byte ac-
cess during EPROM/Flash accesses. During EPROM/
Flash accesses, EBD[7:0] provides the data byte. See
Figure 40, Figure 41, and Figure 42.
Expansion ROM - Boot Device Access
The Am79C973/Am79C975 controller suppor ts
EPROM or Flash as an Expansion ROM boot device.
Figure 39. Receive Frame Tagging
two-wire interface. If the user is still driving the data
input enable pin, erroneous or corrupted data may re-
side in the receive frame tag register. See Figure 39.
Both are configured using the same methods and op-
erate the same. See the previous section on Expansion
ROM transfers to get the PCI timing and functional de-
scription of the transfer method. The Am79C973/
Am79C975 controller is functionally equivalent to the
PCnet-PCI II controller with Expansion ROM. See Fig-
ure 41 and Figure 42.
The Am79C973/Am79C975 controller will always read
four bytes for every host Expansion ROM read access.
The interface to the Expansion Bus runs synchronous
to the PCI bus interface clock. The Am79C973/
Am79C975 controller will start the read operation to the
Expansion ROM by driving the upper 8 bits of the Ex-
pansion ROM address on EBUA_EBA[7:0]. One-half
clock later, AS_EBOE goes high to allow registering of
the upper address bits externally. The upper portion of
the Expansion ROM address will be the same for all four
byte read cycles. AS_EBOE is driven high for one-half
clock, EBUA_EBA[7:0] are driven with the upper 8 bits
of the Expansion ROM address for one more clock cycle
after AS_EBOE goes low. Next, the Am79C973/
Am79C975 controller starts driving the lower 8 bits of
the Expansion ROM address on EBUA_EBA[7:0].
The time that the Am79C973/Am79C975 controller
waits for data to be valid is programmable. ROMTMG
(BCR18, bits 15-12) defines the time from when the
EBUA_EBA[7:0] with the lower 8 bits of the Expansion
ROM address to when the Am79C973/Am79C975 con-
troller latches in the data on the EBD[7:0] inputs. The
register value specifies the time in number of clock cy-
cles. When ROMTMG is set to nine (the default value),
EBD[7:0] is sampled with the next rising edge of CLK
ten clock cycles after EBUA_EBA[7:0] was driven with
a new address value. The clock edge that is used to
sample the data is also the clock edge that generates
the next Expansion ROM address. All four bytes of Ex-

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