AMD-762 Advanced Micro Devices, AMD-762 Datasheet - Page 121



Manufacturer Part Number
System Controller
Advanced Micro Devices
24416C—December 2001
Related Publications
AMD Publications
Bus Architecture
x86 Architecture
General References
Conventions, Abbreviations, and References
The following books discuss va rious aspects of computer
architecture th at may enhance your understanding of AMD
AMDAthlon™ Processor Data Sheet, order# 21016
AMD-766™ Peripheral Bus Controller Data Sheet, order# 23167
AMD-768™ Peripheral Bus Controller Data Sheet, order# 24467
Ceramic Column Grid Array (CCGA) Motherboard Mounting
Guide, order# 24598 (NDA)
PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2, PCI Special Interest
Group, Hillsboro, Oregon, 1998.
AT Bus Design, Ed wa r d S o l a r i, IEEE P996 Com p a t ib le ,
Annabooks, San Diego, CA, 1990.
Accelerated Graphics Port Interface Specification, Revision 2.0,
Intel Corporation, AGP Forum, 1998.
Programming the 80386, John Crawford and Patrick Gelsinger,
Sybex, San Francisco, 1987.
80x86 Architecture & Programming, Rakesh Agarwal, Volumes I
and II, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1991.
Computer Archit ecture, John L. H e n n e s s y a n d D avid A.
Patterson, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, San Mateo, CA, 1990.
Visit the AMD website for documentation of AMD products.
Other websites of interest include the following:
n JEDEC home page —
n IEEE home page —
n AGP Forum—
Preliminary Information
AMD-762™ System Controller Data Sheet

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