AMD-762 Advanced Micro Devices, AMD-762 Datasheet - Page 40



Manufacturer Part Number
System Controller
Advanced Micro Devices
AMD-762™ System Controller Data Sheet
S1 Sequence
Power-On Suspend (S1)
while t he probe is in progre ss, then the AMD-762 system
controller disconnects the AMD Athlon processor system bus
following the completion of the probe. If the processors start
sending non-NOP AMD Athlon processor system bus cycles
whil e c on n e c t e d , t h en the AMD-762 system c on t r oll e r
transitions to the full-on state.
The S1 state achieves very low power by disconnect ing the
processors, entering self-refresh, and then gating off most of
the internal high-speed clock trees in the AMD-762 system
controller. Snooping is prevented by the device drivers prior to
ent ering this stat e. The DDR DRAM clocks cont inue to be
d r iven as re q u i red for t h e re gist e re d DDR DIMMs. Mos t
int e rnal clocks are gated off, allowing the AMD-762 system
controller to achieve a low operating current.
The S1 state is entered in a similar manner to clock throttling,
starting with a STPCLK# assertion and the Stop Grant state. The
Southbridge asserts the DCSTOP# signal, which is used by the
AMD-762 system controller to gate off internal clock trees for
lowe r power. All powe r supplies remain on, and the clock
synthesizer chip on the motherboard continues to drive all clocks.
The sequence of operation for entering the S1 state is listed
below. Figure 10 on page 30 shows a power-on suspend system
timing diagram example.
1. The operating system communicates with all device drivers,
2. The Southbridge asserts STPCLK# to both AMD Athlon
3. The processors flush their buffers and generate a Stop
4. After receiving both Stop Grant special cycles, the
causing them to disable their respective peripherals, thus
preventing any new bus master activity (DMA) on the PCI
and AGP buses. DMA activity already in progress in the
AMD-762 system controller completes normally.
Grant special bus cycle on the AMD Athlon processor
system bus.
AMD-762 system controller flushes all internal queues and
initiates a disconnect cycle to the CPUs by deasserting their
CONNECT pins. The AMD Athlon processors respond by
deasserting the PROCRDY signal.
Preliminary Information
Functional Operation
24416C—December 2001
Chapter 2

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