PM5364 pmc-sierra, PM5364 Datasheet - Page 101



Manufacturer Part Number
Tupp 2488 Assp Telecom Standard

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Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use.
Document No.: PMC-2011334, Issue 7
The RHPP_R also monitors the path signal label byte (C2) to detect path payload label unstable
(PLU-P) defect. A PSL unstable counter is increment every time the received PSL differs from
the previously received PSL (an erroneous PSL will cause the counter to be increment twice,
once when the erroneous PSL is received and once when the error free PSL is received). The
PSL unstable counter is reset when the same PSL value is received for three or five consecutive
frames (selectable by the PSL5 bit in the configuration register). PLU-P is declared when the
PSL unstable counter reaches five. PLU-P is removed when the PSL unstable counter is reset.
The RHPP_R also monitors the path signal label byte (C2) to detect path payload label
mismatch (PLM-P) defect. PLM-P is declared when the accepted PSL does not match the
expected PSL according to Table 7. PLM-P is removed when the accepted PSL match the
expected PSL according to Table 7. The accepted PSL is the same PSL value received for three
or five consecutive frames (selectable by the PSL5 bit in the configuration register). The
expected PSL is a programmable PSL value.
The RHPP_R also monitors the path signal label byte (C2) to detect path unequipped (UNEQ-P)
defect. UNEQ-P is declared when the accepted PSL is 00H and the expected PSL is not 00H.
UNEQ-P is removed when the accepted PSL is not 00H or when the accepted PSL is 00H and
the expected PSL is 00H. The accepted PSL is the same PSL value received for three or five
consecutive frames (selectable by the PSL5 bit in the configuration register). The expected PSL
is a register programmable PSL value.
The RHPP_R also monitors the path signal label byte (C2) to detect path payload defect
indication (PDI-P) defect. PDI-P is declared when the accepted PSL is a PDI defect that
matches the expected PDI defect. PPDI is removed when the accepted PSL is not a PDI defect
or when the accepted PSL is a PDI defect that does not match the expected PDI defect. The
accepted PSL is the same PSL value received for three or five consecutive frames (selectable by
the PSL5 bit in the configuration register). Table 8 gives the expected PDI defect based on the
programmable PDI and PDI range register values.
TUPP™ 2488 ASSP Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet

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