IRCC2.0 SMSC Corporation, IRCC2.0 Datasheet - Page 68



Manufacturer Part Number
Infrared Communications Controller
SMSC Corporation
When the MFW bit = 0, the Rx Data Size register
is used to determine the maximum frame-size
per message in multi-frame windows. To receive
multi-frame windows initialize the DMA controller
with a data block no larger than Rx Data Size ×
n, where n is the maximum number of message
frames supported in the window. Enable the
appropriate decoder and wait for the window
transfer to complete.
register and the Line Status registers to evaluate
the window condition. The Brick Wall Count and
Brick Wall bit have no effect when receiving
multi-frame windows.
Variable Frame-Size Windows
When the MFW bit = 1, the Message Byte Count
registers are used to determine the size of
message frames in a multi-frame window. For
variable frame-size windows, each message
frame can have a different size. Variable frame-
size transmit multi-frame windows can occur in
both Brick Walled and non-Brick Walled modes.
Non-Brickwalled MFWs
To support non-Brick Walled variable frame-size
multi-frame windows set the SCE Modes bits to
zero and initialize the DMA controller with a
message block that is the size of all of the
messages to be transferred in the window.
Initialize the Message Byte Count registers with
the appropriate message byte counts per
message, choose the appropriate encoder, start
the transmitter, and wait for an EOM Interrupt.
Reset and then re-enable the transmitter n times,
where n is the number of message frames in the
transferred. Reset the FIFO Threshold for the
last frame, if necessary.
Brickwalled MFWs
To support Brick Walled variable frame-size
multi-frame windows set the SCE Modes bits to
zero and initialize the DMA controller with a
message block that is the size of all of the
messages to be transferred in the window.
Use the Rx Data Size
Initialize the Message Byte Count registers with
the appropriate message byte counts per
message, choose the appropriate encoder,
initialize the Brick Wall Count, and set the Brick
Wall bit. Start the transmitter and wait for n EOF
interrupts, where n is the number of message
frames in the window, until the DMA block has
been transferred.
When the MFW bit = 1, the Rx Data Size register
is used to determine the maximum frame-size
per message in multi-frame windows and the
Message Byte Count registers maintain the
numbers of bytes in each message per frame for
up to eight frames.
windows initialize the DMA controller with a data
block no larger than Rx Data Size × n, where n is
the maximum number of message frames
supported in the window. Enable the appropriate
decoder and wait for the window transfer to
complete. Use the Message Byte Counts, the Rx
Data Size and the Line Status registers to
evaluate the window condition. The Brick Wall
Count and Brick Wall bit have no effect when
receiving multi-frame windows.
Loopback mode allows diagnostic testing of the
IrDA FIR and Consumer IR encoders. Loopback
tests require that the SCE FIFO be used for both
transmit and receive modes, simultaneously.
The Data Size registers are used to constrain the
Loopback test. Brick Walled messages are not
supported in Loopback mode.
The FIFO must be loaded with the appropriate
transmit data while the Block Control bits in SCE
Configuration Register A are set to the required
transfer mode with the SCE MODES bits set to
Transmit/Receive Disabled. Enough room must
remain in the FIFO for receive data.
Loopback Transmit CRC bit (D6) in SCE
Configuration Register B must be initialized for
the appropriate CRC response during loopback
The Data Size registers must be
To receive multi-frame

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