AT90CAN128-16AE ATMEL Corporation, AT90CAN128-16AE Datasheet - Page 80



Manufacturer Part Number
8-bit Avr Microcontroller With 128K Bytes of Isp Flash And CAN Controller.flash (Kbytes) 128 Vcc (V) 2.7-5.5 EEPROM (Kbytes) 4 SRAM (bytes) 4K CAN (mess. Obj.) 15
ATMEL Corporation
IC P3, In pu t Ca ptu re Pin 3: Th e P E7 p in ca n a ct a s an inp ut ca p tu re pin fo r
• INT6/T3 – Port E, Bit 6
INT6, External Interrupt source 6. The PE6 pin can serve as an external interrupt
T3, Timer/Counter3 counter source.
• INT5/OC3C – Port E, Bit 5
INT5, External Interrupt source 5. The PE5 pin can serve as an External Interrupt
OC3C, Output Compare Match C output. The PE5 pin can serve as an External output
for the Timer/Counter3 Output Compare C. The pin has to be configured as an output
(DDE5 set “one”) to serve this function. The OC3C pin is also the output pin for the
PWM mode timer function.
• INT4/OC3B – Port E, Bit 4
INT4, External Interrupt source 4. The PE4 pin can serve as an External Interrupt
OC3B, Output Compare Match B output. The PE4 pin can serve as an External output
for the Timer/Counter3 Output Compare B. The pin has to be configured as an output
(DDE4 set (one)) to serve this function. The OC3B pin is also the output pin for the PWM
mode timer function.
• AIN1/OC3A – Port E, Bit 3
AIN1 – Analog Comparator Negative input. This pin is directly connected to the negative
input of the Analog Comparator.
OC3A, Output Compare Match A output. The PE3 pin can serve as an External output
for the Timer/Counter3 Output Compare A. The pin has to be configured as an output
(DDE3 set “one”) to serve this function. The OC3A pin is also the output pin for the PWM
mode timer function.
• AIN0/XCK0 – Port E, Bit 2
AIN0 – Analog Comparator Positive input. This pin is directly connected to the positive
input of the Analog Comparator.
XCK0, USART0 External clock. The Data Direction Register (DDE2) controls whether
the clock is output (DDE2 set) or input (DDE2 cleared). The XCK0 pin is active only
when the USART0 operates in Synchronous mode.
• PDO/TXD0 – Port E, Bit 1
PDO, SPI Serial Programming Data Output. During Serial Program Downloading, this
pin is used as data output line for the AT90CAN128.
TXD0, UART0 Transmit pin.
• PDI/RXD0 – Port E, Bit 0
PDI, SPI Serial Programming Data Input. During Serial Program Downloading, this pin
is used as data input line for the AT90CAN128.

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